Shanks, I'm glad we cleared it all up and I'm very happy that we have you onboard. We need everyone who already posted to finish up and maybe some more sheets before we can officially start the roleplay. But everyone who indicated interest can continue working on sheets even after we start. And as always theres always room for more players. Lucian, your character seems pretty solid so far. There's only a few concerns I have. In your full sheet, I'd like for there to be a plausible reason for an eighteen-year old to stumble on one of the greatest magical artifacts of all time. You could age him up a few years if you want, that might make it more plausible. Also keep in mind that the White Fellowship of Sorcerers is just that, an organization of Sorcerers. Excalibur could be one of their allies but he wouldn't be a full-time member. Sorcerers are kinda elitist like that. You could also have him be the Champion of some Modern-day Knightly Order if you want, a few of those guys are still around and are on surprisingly good terms with the magic users. Those Templars however... I'd like for all of the more incredible powers the suit and sword have to be the 'upper limit' if you will of its powers. Normally, I'd like for the suit and sword to not allow you to completely ignore attacks or cut through absolutely everything. Your character should still be able to sustain some injury and I'd like for there to be badass sword fights and not have you cut through the other guys blade instantly haha. Also your powers should have some kind of cost. Perhaps it takes a physical toll or needs a magical recharge but it should cost something. It's fine for Zack to not be that special but he should have some quality that explains how he obtained the sword. Otherwise if he didn't have the sword and had absolutely nothing special about him, he might be kinda useless. Of course he could pick up some skills as the roleplay progresses. Also he might want a codename that's something besides his weapon but that's just a nitpick haha. Just keep in mind everything else I said for your full sheet and you should be fine. And I'm kind of reminded of He-Man for some reason. And to everyone else, I'll always make time to give my feedback. But don't be afraid to ask other players for their feedback. I'm not the be-all, end-all of what consitutes good writing.