Kalos? That star-shaped region? She'd never had the chance to go, herself, but she's heard things about it. "If our missions ever take us there, I suppose we'll be relying on your knowledge, then. I've never been. Have you, Derrick?" She turned and smiled softly to the large man. He seemed imposing, but she shouldn't let that phase her. Some people just had stern exteriors, right? Right. Her father was that way... She had to share her sentiments with Rena, though. Their names were only similar by some small coincidence, it wasn't anything remarkable. If this were a movie, they'd say that, but it'd turn out to be significant later, wouldn't it? Haha. A sentiment she did [i]not[/i] share was the next one. "I should certainly hope it's separated by gender. Even if [i]you[/i] might not be up to something, I'd hate for some other girl to have to suffer a peeping tom, right in the same bungalow. And if I catch you, you're done, just to be clear." She smiles sweetly at Rena and cracks the knuckles of her right hand against her left. More teasing than anything, really... but don't peek at her, seriously. More concerning in her mind... Her eyes turn toward the sky, searching for Flygon. It takes her a moment to spot the creature, but there it is again. It makes wide circles for a while before landing. After she loses sight of it, she turns her attention back to her companions. "Hmm... y'know, before I came here, I swear I've seen Rangers with pokeballs. Do you think it's a regional thing?"