Looks good, Why don't you check mine. Please be objective, even though I'm GM here. I could even make mistake XD (I meant, who couldn't) [center][b]Character Sheet[/b][/center] [u][b]Personal Information[/u][/b] [hider=Appearance][img=http://i.imgur.com/9JvFM1f.jpg?1][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Tsuchimikado Rinnosuke [b]Alias:[/b] Human, Tsuchi-san, Rinnosuke-kun [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] 100 % Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Nationality:[/b] Caelifer [b]Occupation:[/b] Student and part-time worker (waiter) [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance, he is the normal human student that you can see anywhere. Just plain normal. Academically, he is in so-so rank too. Sometimes get in a fight and usually thought as delinquent student even though he didn't like that. When he in trouble, either he avoid it, run away or face it. Usually depends on situation. When it come to someone in danger, he didn't hesitant to help them. He have quite level of curiosity, good reflex and quite keen in observation skills but didn't know how to use it. Basically, because his mind usually go somewhere else as if his body only empty vessel. He didn't go with flow like what people usually do, if he had another option. He is friendly and can be annoying sometimes. If he had something in mind, he usually kept it quite unless he unable to figure it out. He didn't like making troubles, but troubles love him. When it came to action, he could response and act very quick and well-coordinated. Rinnosuke followed conscription (a must for boys at his age at some islands in Caelifer) for some weeks. During his conscription time, he was the most sane in his crazy squad and chose to lead the squad by the commander to handle the attics of his crazy partners. He rarely used internet to search for information and used it to game a lot. He also have weird taste of music, it sometimes good and bad for some people. He also like sport (baseball, basketball and football) and sometimes hang out with outer kids to play it. [u][b]Powers and Skills Information[/u][/b] [b]Skills:[/b] - Washing - Cooking (He is a good chef, sometimes come with totally weird-looking / experimental but tasty food) - Premonition Perception (subconsciously anticipate the attacks coming his way, it based on data/memories he got when fight someone and usually only useful against single person he focused on) - Street Brawling (He get into fight a lot. Some of them happened to Sale Time and he need to get cheap foods) - Close Quarters Combat (Something he learned during his Conscription) - Sniper ability (Something he learned during his Conscription, he also the best in his squad) - Sword handling (he learned it a little when he little kid) - Immense Stamina (he didn't look tired even though he run for quite a kilometers) - Pain resistance (he usually get beaten so unless it really worse, he could hold that pain and think it as nothing) [b]Power Name:[/b] Field Zero (Later known as "Absolute Field" at Level 4 above) [b]Power Type:[/b] ESP [b]Power Description:[/b] Since I don't know how the power level going, I will just use mine first until Grey explained it. - Level 1 (Initial Level) : Rinnosuke creates a spherical space around him, in this space he can manipulate anything he wants in a variety of ways. Like lifting light things (like paper, or book) without touching it. He can hold the activation of his Room by creating a small circle around his hand which later will expand to form the Room itself. He can also teleport himself in a "Room" by changing places with a nearby object. - Level 2 : Bigger space and the room looked more clear to people's eyes, he could switched position with moving object and switching object location - Level 3 : The space have 2 different forms. 'Room' and 'Pressure'. 'Room' is the usually one, getting more range and make one possible to lifted far heavier things that unable to be lifted at Level 1 (and 2, but these 2 have roughly same level when come to that). 'Pressure' is similar like Level 2 in visibility and smaller in space compared to Level 1. Inside 'Pressure', enemy's speed and accuracy getting small while the user get more advantage as he moved more swiftly in this 'Pressure'. 'Pressure' could follow the user by now - Level 4 : 'Room' got another new mode 'Barrier'. 'Room' at this level make one possible to lifted or move heavier things lots faster. Like tanks. 'Pressure'. It possible for the user to move at any mode. 'Barrier' allowed the user to create some kind of Protective field in front of the user. - Level 5 : Make one possible to make the space to manifest itself physically and used for offensive capabilities. By now, the switching delay almost not there at all. [b]Power Weaknesses:[/b] - Most common weakness of this ability is Stamina draining, the more longer / bigger the 'room', the stamina to sustain it drain faster. It also appeared that the space didn't work if he didn't concentrate enough (for example, he unable to use it underwater because he need to breathe first) - Level 1 : this spherical space is quite visible on opponent's eyes and he basically couldn't do anything to the opponent himself. To switch place, he need to find object that stand-still within the 'room'. The room space is quite small enough about 10 normal steps from center to the outer tips. He couldn't move at first and could only use objects from far away. He couldn't pass the wall - Level 2 : The 'room' still visible to some people's eyes. Switching place with moving object is harder, slower and need more concentration. - Level 3 : 'Pressure mode' could be avoided if the attacker attack from outside. Since the space for this form is smaller than 'Level 1's room' about 6-7 steps. Switching 'Room' and 'Pressure' took 10 seconds delay. Level 3 'Room' still suffer same weakness like Level 1 and 2, The User can't move - Level 4 : switching mode took about 7 seconds delay. 'Barrier' only protect 180 degree, means it can protect from frontal attack, but not attack that came from back. While Barrier active, it impossible to switch unless the user turn it off and wait delay before switching. [u][b]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/b] Will be done later