[centre][Kathar - The Rusty Brewer] Nerom heard a voice enter the room, and he looked up in time to see a robed figure removing the hood that obscured the face. From behind the darkness the cloth created, came into view the face of a young woman, with hair a few shades darker than scarlet red. His brow furrowed slightly as he tried to place her face, before his faintly glowing red eyes widened with realisation. It was Cerice, the Empresses' personal healer. He'd heard the girl had been plucked from Ronin after certain circles in Kathar heard of her potential and she'd been forced to leave her home to work under the house of nobles. Certainly, the move must've been hard on her, but living in the palace would have no doubt made up for that. [i]It's not often one is thrown into a life of luxury,[/i] he thought to himself quietly before casting a smile on his face and greeting her, "Good Evening Cerise. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting?" The dim light in the dark corner of the room made it hard for anyone to see his face, though he was certain she would be able to make him out, with a little squinting, of course. He wondered how his greeting would settle with her, it's not often one hears their name mentioned by a stranger and, indeed, Nerom was a stranger to her. But it was his business to know about everything the happened in Kathar, and Cerise was certainly no exception to that. It wasn't long before the pair were joined by another, though this one Nerom knew a little better. it was Jonah, a fellow member of the Assassin's Guild, and the pair of them had been assigned to several missions together, though they rarely spoke and neither knew much about the other. Some would say their relationship didn't stretch past acquaintances, though Nerom doubted it had even reached that far. He returned the nod, however, and remained silent whilst his comrade sat next to him and stated his arrival. [i]Yes of course you've arrived you fool,[/i] his thoughts echoed in his head, [i]Even with a hood the man can see that.[/i] If it weren't so dark, Jonah may have noticed Nerom rolling his eyes, but thankfully the darkness of the room hid him from the embarrassment of admitting to the action. Yet another arrived, making up four supporters of the Empresses' cause, a cause they were still yet to be informed of, though Nerom didn't allow his eyes to wander over the newcomer. The moment she had announced herself as a mage, he had tutted and made a point of keeping his head looking in any direction but hers. Though it was true he dabbled in a bit of magic from time to time to help him improve his skills, he usually held a grudge against most who specialised in the art, mainly because he's incapable of performing anything more than the simplest spells. The next person to enter heralded a raised eyebrow from Nerom. Of course, he understood [i]why[/i] a war general, especially one trusted by the Empress, had been invited here today, but he doubted a general would have much use here. Though they had no idea what was going on, he found it very unlikely war would break out, at least not this early. Shrugging away his thoughts, he simply looked the general over, the man he knew as Bruce, until his attention was drawn away once more. Another raised eyebrow was drawn from the elf as the next man walked in, one he knew to be a sergeant that had fought in some war he had decided not to involve himself with. Wars were messy, too messy for an assassin like him, he much rather preferred the silent life his profession had led him to lead. It appeared the man was unable to read, and Nerom, again, questioned why those who choose to partake in war were needed so early on in the introductions of whatever the Empress wished to tell them all. But the sergeant had raised a valid point, they were all waiting for Lukas to enlighten them on the situation, and it was now the elf turned his gaze to the hooded figure in the corner. Clearing his throat, he spoke up with a friendlier tone than before, "Indeed, Lukas, it appears we are all here. What, pray tell, have you called us here for?" ----- [img=https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/13971683445_61215e3c2d_o.jpg] [Kathar - The Rusty Brewer] It hadn't taken them long, not long at all. Lukas was surprised at how quickly the group before him had gathered after the news of the Empresses' death had broken out, though he did not show it. He sat, waiting in the corner, at a table upon which sat one candle and a sheet of rolled parchment. When they had seemingly all arrived, he leant forward and removed his hood, revealing his face in the candlelight. They would see him as a typical elder, he was sure of that. His bald head and scraggly grey beard being the main features that would tip them to decide on that stereotype, and he knew they would not be wrong. The years had not been kind to Lukas, though he rarely admitted that in person. He cleared his throat, in a similar fashion to the elf in the corner, and addressed them all, "[b]Nerom, Cerise, Jonah, Aurora, Bruce, and Jan. I would like you each to know the others names. We will all be working together for a while, and I think it only courtesy you acquaint yourselves with each other at least. Now, I suspect you are all wondering why you have been asked to meet here?[/b]" His words were met with expectant looks, and the old man smiled as he continued. "[b]As you know, some of you more than others, our dear Empress has been murdered, in her own palace no less. Unfortunately, this was not simply because of a grudge. I'm afraid there's a much darker reason behind this heinous crime. There are forces gathering, dark forces that wish to set free an ancient evil upon the land of Sythus. Catherina stumbled across this knowledge not long before she died, and she contacted me to help her confirm these rumours, and do something about it. What with her being ill, the research was left down to me, and what I have uncovered is...well, most terrible.[/b]" He stopped to cough and clear his throat, the noise echoing around the silent room, "[b]It appears these dark forces wish to break down the magical barriers left by our most holy Immortals, and set free the five Shadowlords that Erthantis created with the last of his power after he was banished. Naturally, you all know why this cannot be allowed to happen. Were the Shadowlords to escape the Shadowlands, they would plunge this world into darkness, enslaving the living and causing great pain to any who defied them. Fortunately, I managed to uncover the ritual they plan to use to carry out their plan, and I've found a way to ensure their plan does not go ahead. But, before you all agree to help, before I explain any further, you must all know something. This quest will not be easy. There will be many obstacles that will test you, your relationships, your strength, even your very sanity. I cannot guarantee your safety, nor can I promise you will all come out of this alive. You will all be hurt at some point, and there will be nothing I can do to stop it. This adventure is certainly not for the faint hearted, so I will tell you now. If any of you do not like what you are hearing, then you are free to leave. But be warned, if you stay to hear me out, there is no going back. You will all be bound to carry out the Empresses' last request and give your lives for the sake of Sythus. So I ask you, stay or go, which do you choose?[/b]" ----- [Kathar - Palace - Throne Room] [img=https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2920/14091387390_2dcc456edc_o.png] Fingar had sat himself on the throne, a cruel sneer on his face as his glowing red eyes glided over the occupants of the room. As High Priest, upon the Empresses' death, the throne fell to him while the palace officials hunted for an heir of the late Empress to relieve him. He found it funny, though, that everyone in this room bowed their head and followed his orders the minute he entered, despite him having sent the order to murder the Empress in the first place. Of course, none of them knew it was him. In fact, not even the assassin's he'd sent for had any idea who the order had come from. All they were told about was the job, and he was certainly surprised they had managed to pull it off so well. He made a note to send them a payment much better than he had promised them. His thoughts were interrupted by a guard entering the Throne Room, shortly followed by the man he had called for in the letter he'd sent out. "[b]Ahhh, Haljon,[/b]" he almost cooed to the man, "[b]I see you received your letter I sent you.[/b]" He heard whispers from the people in the room, each asking another what the High priest was possibly talking about, and it was only then that it occurred to Fingar he should have dismissed them earlier. "[b]Be gone, all of you! I wish to speak to our guest in private,[/b]" his tone was sharp and blunt, and his words pierced them quickly enough for most of them to run from the room with haste. Smiling gleefully as they fled the room, he turned his attention back to Haljon, "[b]I do hope you are well, my boy. Though I expect you're wondering as to why I called you here? I was hoping there'd be more of you but, apparently only you wish to truly serve our Dark Lord.[/b]" His eyes lingered on the door a while, as of expecting them to burst open with a few more like the man that had just entered, but it was not so. Shrugging slightly, Fingar stared down at the warrior of a man before him and spoke in a hushed tone, though his words would sound as if he were standing right next to him. "[b]No doubt you heard of the tragic, tragic new of tonight?[/b]" the sarcasm and drama in his voice was clear enough for anyone who didn't know him well to pick up on, "[b]Our poor Empress, murdered in her own bed. Just tragic. But, enough of that. Let us move on to why I asked you here tonight. I assume you have heard the Story of Creation? And you're familiar with how our Lord of Darkness was betrayed by his brothers and sisters, banished to the Shadowlands and warded from the world of the living? Well upon researching the topic, following up on an interest of my own, I have discovered something...wonderful. Believe it or not, I have found a way to take down the wall of magic the Immortals cast around the Shadowlands down, and release the ever growing darkness within. Of course, in doing that we'd be sealing our fate as slaves to the forces that lay within, and that's just a foolish thing to do. But! What if I told you there was a way to not only unleash that darkness, but [i]control[/i] it? Take hold of it and force it to do our bidding, make it listen to our commands and follow any order we give it. Does that not sound like a wondrous thing?[/b] His eyes were glowing a bright red, his excitement clear on his face, "[b]Of course, you may think me a madmen and wish to leave, and by all means you are free to do so. but I ask you to think upon what you're turning you're back on if you do. I understand you may need to hear more before you swear your loyalty to me and our master, and I'll gladly tell you more. But first I must know, do I hold your interest?[/b]" A cruel smile spread across his face, revealing his perfectly straight, perfectly white teeth, which glinted mischievously in the light of the room.[/centre]