[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] "Well, I'm glad you survived that one," Syed grinned. "I wouldn't want to cross Estelle these days." He looked at Estelle's perplexed expression for a moment, her hair a mess and her mouth still stuffed with food, and found he couldn't hold in his laughter for much longer. "Hahaha! Sorry, sorry! Nobody's blown anything." He leaned back in his chair a little, pushing his fringe back as he looked to the ceiling. Maybe it was just because they were finally out of the hospital. He didn't know. But he was just so [i]happy[/i]. "Nobody's blown anything." Moira looked at him like he had grown an extra head or something. Alright, alright, steady on. Leaning forwards, she grabbed a handful of chips from Syed's plate. He had pushed it towards Nikki as a gesture that she was free to help herself if she wanted, and as far as Moira was concerned that was free pickings. As she continued to scoff her face, she looked around to the others at the table. It was funny really. How much she was getting used to them just being around. It was like... it was like she was home again. Not the home she left when they began this adventure - when she thought about it, that stopped truely being home when her son moved out. Even Syed's presence did little to lessen that feeling. After all, how could you miss someone who couldn't ever leave your side? No. Home wasn't a set place anymore. Home was wherever these people were. Even now, despite her nonchalant act, a small part of her mind wondered where Trent and Don were. She knew they'd be fine, but her mind had been keeping tabs. She couldn't help it. Gods damned mothering instinct. She wished it'd piss off. Dylan had dismissed himself from the table and already began to make arrangements. Once he had called out to the others how long they had Syed stood up too, taking a couple of the chips which remained on his plate and giving them a nibble. "We'd better get ready too." "What? Why?" Moira looked up to him with a scowl. "We're already ready!" "Well it depends if you want to go a shade of tomato or not," he grinned. Moira swung at him, which he narrowly avoided. He had a point though. She was very fair, and hadn't been outside much over the last month at all. At this stage she'd probably burn if the sun so much as looked at her, so it might be an idea to get some suncream on. "Fine," she spat a little resentfully, shoving pretty much all the food she had left into her mouth all at once. Which was one hell of a feat. Then she downed both her glasses too. "Back in a bit I... actually, do we have any left? I'm sure we've used it up." Syed frowned a little. It had been so long since they had used any, he couldn't remember anymore. "I'm... I'm not sure. I guess we could nip to a pharmacist really quick?"