[b][i]Imperium space:[/i][/b] "Incoming Vox... Priority secundis." said one of the Vox-controllers on the bridge. Admiral Lafray swiveled around in his chair and nodded. [i]"Priority wide-band Vox, attention to all vessels in the area, this is Escort[/i] Ultria [i]we have come under attack from Chaos forces and require reinforcements."[/i] the voice said. The admiral pressed a button on the side of his seat. "All hands, prepare for battle. We are answering a distress call from a vessel under attack." he said, then pointed to one of the other control crew "Prepare for Warp travel." he said. The bridge exploded in activity, vox-chatter being heard over the noise of buttons and orders being passed down. A door opened at the back, and out of it stepped the Inquisitor, Viqtor Remly, and Aminah. "Admiral, I told you to hold position here whilst the sensors sweep the sector for reported Thousand Son activity." The admiral looked up at the Inquisitor. "My Lord, when I accepted this assignment, I did so under the condition that, when it comes to this vessel, I was in command." "That does not give you the right to overturn the Inquisitors order." replied Aminah. "I would never dream of overturning your order, My Lord. I was merely following up on those orders, the assailants are Chaos, they may be the Thousand Sons that we have been looking for." The Admiral and Inquisitor stared each other in the eye, before finally, the Inquisitor simply looked out the front viewscreen. "Very well then." As he looked out, the view of the endless blank nothingness that was space shuddered and ripped, before opening to see the chaotic energies of the Warp. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Down in the Hold- The familiar sound of thudding as a Terminator walked into the large hold. he was approached by an Iron Priest. "Lord Azuriah..." the Iron Priest said as he looked up at Kurn. The Chapter Master looked back. "How is he?" he asked. The Iron Priest shook his head, they then walked through to see the large Wraithlord. "He hasn't said a thing that wasn't an asking for death." Kurn looked at him. "Leave us." said the Azuriah. The Iron priest nodded before walking away. The Azuriah walked towards the Wraithlord, travelling up the lift to a small crossbar that went in front of its face, the Terminator then sat down and lay his Force-staff in front of him. "Good day, brother." he said. "B..." the Alien machine moved its head slightly. "Kurn... Have you come to end my suffering?" "No." Kurn replied, taking a flask of cider from a compartment on his belt. Opening it, he held it up. The machine sniffed. "Fangberry cider... Just like mother used to brew." it said, Kurn let out a laugh. "As much as I dispise those witches, I must admit that retaining your senses is amazing..." He took a long drink from it, before belching loudly. "It was mothers. Father sent it to me as a present. I suppose that our belching contests are... no longer possible." The Wraithlord moved violently in its restraints, attempting to break free. "DO NOT TOY WITH ME!" It yelled, Kurn put the flask down and stared at it. "I would never toy with you. I however, made a promise, not to allow you to die whilst you were in my care." "MY VERY EXISTANCE IS HERESY! WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO ALLOW ME TO LIVE AS A LIE WHEN YOU CAN END MY SUFFERING!!!" Kurn didn't flinch as the alien warmachine attempted to break free. "You live, because of my Honour. I swore you would not die, by killing you, I would bring great dishonour upon myself, upon you, and upon the entire Imperium." "HONOUR!?!? YOU HONOUR AN AGREEMENT MADE WITH XENOS FILTH!?!?!" Kurn took another swig of the Cider. "Because we are better than they are... How can we claim to be the only beings worthy of living in this universe, when we are just as bad as they?" he asked. "I keep my promise, because I am better than them, better than all of them. To kill you would prove that I am no better than those heretical, lying witches." The Wraithlord stopped struggling. "Or... Is it because you cannot accept the idea of killing your own brother, when he is a loyal son of the Emperor... Is it honour? Or Weakness?" Kurn dropped his head and thought. " [i]"All hands, prepare for battle. We are answering a distress call from a vessel under attack."[/i] the Vox-casters blared. Kurn was up on his feet instantly. "I don't suppose you wish to fight alongside us?" "The moment I am released is the moment I die." replied the Wraithlord. A few seconds later, the familiar rocking of the ship being enveloped by the Warp. Then the ship began shaking violently. This wasn't unusual... But what was was a sudden whisper throughout the ship. [b]"So... The Emperors finest answer the call... Amusing..."[/b] The voice said. At that point a warpfire appeared in the hold, out of which, stepped a Bloodletter with black and white markings all across his body. However, it was immediately felled by a shot from the Psycannon mounted on Kurns arm. He then grabbed the force staff and vaulted from the scaffolding and running to the Vox point. "ALL HANDS, CHAOS DAEMONS ARE ABOARD, PREPARE TO REPEL!!!" He roared. All across the ship, the Bloodletters and Imperium forces were engaging. Running into the corridor, Kurn heard a familiar sound, getting louder. "AND DID THOSE FEET IN ANCIENT TIMES!!! WALK UPON FENRIS' MOUNTAINS WHITE!!!" The unmistakable sound of a Dreadnought singing the praises of the Emperor. Rounding the corner was the large Contemptor, his Corzius drenched in blood. Their eyes met. "HERESY IS ALL AROUND US, APOSTLE!!! WE MUST CLEANSE IT!!!" he then fired his Autocannons wildly down the corridor at an approaching horde of the monsters. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -The Crew Quarters- Across the Crew Quarters, the Guard and Marines were holding their own against the onslaught, a trio of Guardsman, 2 with Lasguns, the other with a Flamer, were stood as a triangle around a Devastator Marine with a Heavy Bolter and were holding an intersection in the corridor. Flames beating back the onslaught of heretical monsters, lasers beating back the others, and high calibur explosive bolts dealing with the stragglers. As a Champion among them charged down the corridor. The Devastator set his sights on the monster, but was cut off as, without warning, an Ogryn charged out of another corridor and smashed the monster into the wall, the Ogryn grabbed its horns and began pulling, there was a bloodcurdling shriek as the monster was ripped in half, the Ogryn, weilding a pair of modified Krak Missile launchers, set its sights on a bloodcrusher that was charging. a pair of krak missiles flew over the quartets heads and the Bloodcrusher was nothing but a smear of blood and soot. Although, they were the lucky ones, elsewhere, an Assault Marine fell as his chest was pierced by 5 Bloodletter blades, his chainswords dropping from his hands, The Bloodletters began trying to tear into his armour, but they were shocked to see a pair of women sliding across the floor, sliding beneath the monsters legs to the side of the Marine and each grabbing one of his fallen Chainswords, before standing up. They flourished their blades, an Evicerator in one hand and a Chainsword held, shoto-style in the other. They then charged towards another rabble, leading to an open storage area, where a Soulgrinder had made its way in. They smiled at each other before charging at a group of Furies that were about to swarm them, jumping up, they used the daemons as stepping stones up to the Soul-grinders chest before each imbedding the chainswords in his chest, then swinging around with their Evicerators and decapetating it, showering them in blood, they reveled in it, they were doing The Emperors work and it felt better than any of the depraved acts they had sworn against. They then dropped down as the Furies swung around for another pass, Mary threw her Evicerator to Yoheved and summoned her Psyker powers, a ball of energy appearing in her hand, she then threw her hands out and an arc of lightning flew out, jumping from one of them to the other, frying their little brains, as Yoheved charged a Herald-type creature she had never seen before, jumping, she spun her body around like a hurricane of death. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -The Bridge- All across the ship, fighting had broken out. "What the hell is happening, where are our Void Shields?" roared Lafrey. "They are fully operational." replied one of the crewmen. "I can't explain it." outside in the Warp, a bolt of lightning lanced out and struck the ship. Rocking it. "Massive damage to all systems." said the crewman. "Hmmm..." the voice from nothingness said. "I believe I have another place for you..." Everyone was suddenly thrown against the wall as the ship was sent spinning out of control. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b][i]-Several Hours later-[/i][/b] The ship had only been out of control for a few minutes, but it had taken several hours for some sort of order to be restored on the ship. The command staff was gathered in the war room. "I have never seen Bloodletters like these." said Siegfried. "Black and white... The odd thing was that, when they were trapped and unable to get to us, they started killing each other." he said. "I knew that they were chaotic, but this is completely new behavior." He then saw Viqtor and Aminah staring at each other. "Why do I get the feeling that the Inquisition is withholding information in their usual fashion?" he muttered. "BASTARDS!!!" yelled a voice. "I'LL RIP HIM APART WITH MY BARE FUCKING HANDS!!!" Lemanicus strode into the room. "THAT ENERGY BOLT!!! IT GOT [i]KRAKATOA[/i]!!!" Kurn grabbed his shoulders. "Calm down..." He said. "We know about the Warhound... You've been drinking... Turn your liver back on, we need you sober." "I DON'T WANT TO BE SOBER!!! I'VE FAILED THE OMNISIAH!!!" Kurn then punched him to the floor, but he was back up quickly. "Alright..." said Lemanicus. "Where are we?" "About to re-enter normal space." said Kurn. "But first... Inquisitor." he said, turning to Viqtor. "Tell me everything you know about these bloodletters." "That is need-to-know." replied Viqtor. Kurn slowly approached him, towering above the Inquisitor. "I believe we need to know..." he said, slowly. Viqtor looked him up and down. "Fine... That was Malal..." he said, Aminah tugged his sleeve as though to ask him to stop, but Viqtor brushed her off. "Malal is a Chaos God." "I've never heard of him." said Lemanicus. "Of course you haven't... He is one of the more powerful Chaos Gods... The embodiment of Anarchy. A being of such anarchistic intent that he started rebelling against the other Chaos Gods... Our information says that he employs black and white daemons. This would most certainly seem to be his attack. Although, why we didn't destroy us outright is... puzzling." said Viqtor. Suddenly the ship shook as it exited to normal space. "Lord Wolfstalon, will you please report to the bridge." said the voice of Lafray over the Vox caster. Kurn looked around. "Lemanicus, damage control, get us working at full power again." he said. "Inquisitor, if you and your men can sweep the ship for anything we might have missed... Your assassins survived, I trust." "The Temple trains us well." said the voice of the Ophias as he appeared out of no-where. Kurn nodded before heading out. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -The Bridge- Kurn walked onto the bridge and looked around, it seemed to be mostly undamaged. "What's the status?" "We've lost the Artillery Lance's and half of our weapon batteries." replied the Admiral. "But... That's not why I called you here." he said. The Galaxy map came up on the large monitor. "So, where are we?" he asked. The Admiral looked around, looking rather frightened and confused. "We... Aren't..." he said. "The Cartographers don't recognize any of these stars. The computer can't make heads nor tails of it." Kurn looked at the monitor, then at the large, desert planet bellow. "Wh..." "Wherever we were thrown... It wasn't in our galaxy." said the Admiral. Kurn's heart seemed to sink... What the hell were they supposed to do now? If they weren't able to get to their galaxy... What the hell were they going to do? What if they had been thrown to the Tyranids galaxy? What if they were actually in the Eye of Terror? What if... "Send a distress vox... Accept any and all assistance offered, even if it is Xenos... We need to figure out where the hell we are and how we can get home." "My Lord, are you sure-" "We accept assistance from the Eldar when it comes to the Necrons, the Tau when it comes to the Tyranids or Orks, and unless we can find a human ship here, we will have to accept Xenos assistance now." he slowly walked away... He needed guidance... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________