Welcome to the Justice League MrDidact. I'll send you a PM concerning some plot elements. \ [quote=Dblade26] I was thinking that after this thing with the Robot, Batman could go and investigate and/or have a "Chat" with , since I was thinking that the thugs he was interrogating on the roof during the OP could have been smugglers that were sneaking disguised Lexcorp weapons to radical elements in Khandaq maybe?I feel like it makes sense for a weasel like Lex to be secretly playing both sides for . [/quote] That sounds great. The Lex Luthor/Batman dynamic is something I want to really explore. For Superman, it represents the best and worst of human nature. After this whole Brainiac issue, the USA/Kahndaq situation is really going to come to the forefront, a lot of people have sinister ulterior motives with respect to that impending war.