Leona stayed stationed just outside the church doors, watching in disbelief at the events that unfolded. In a bought of self-control, she put her bow down and waited. She couldn't help but to feel sympathetic for the strangers; especially the girl that had been singing earlier. Her red-headed brother (possibly her partner or cousin?) reminded her all too much of her own big brothers. She knew that her brothers would react exactly the same way if she had been put in any sort of danger. Assuming that the whole dragon ordeal [i]was[/i] dangerous to begin with. Naturally, dragons equaled omens or fire or death, and by the grave looks on some of the strangers' faces, that's exactly what was going to happen. She hoped she wouldn't have to be dragged into anything having to do with humans [i]and[/i] dragons, in that case. She contemplated backing away from the church and returning to the town's center, but her curiosity kept her glued to her spot.