[b]Name:[/b] Zed Intergrite [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] Zed is a tall, yet relatively thin mutant with a covering of sinewy muscle, giving him the appearance of a panther, ready to leap. His skin is a pallid pale, with occasional purple runic markings covering his body at random intervals. He has dark black eyes, with light purple pupils, which is why he usually wears glasses. Although he hasn't been wearing any recently. Long white hair, flowing backwards, and shaved at the sides into a sort of long Mohawk, goes down to the middle of his shoulder blades. His usual clothing consists of a long-sleeved black jacket, zipped up, with the collar covering his lower mouth, along with slim white pants and black and purple soft-soled boots. [b]Ability:[/b] Telekinesis / Telepathy / Enhanced Intellect - Zed has the ability to move, crush, pull, or otherwise affect things with his mind, although using hand gestures help when using his powers on humans or particularly heavy items or large items. He can also talk to others through one-on-one brain telepathic communication, but it often causes him headaches, especially when/if the one he's trying to communicate with struggle with him. However, if he manages to take over their brain, he can often rupture their mental channels, causing paralysis of the brain, or even death. Telekinetic energy is the invisible energy he uses to affect thing with his mind, hence his telekinesis, although he is practicing ways to use his telekinetic energy to form physical items, objects, weapons, and appendages. [b]Personality:[/b] Zed's entire body gives off a sinisterly bad vibe. He's usually quiet and serious, sitting by himself when it's not mandatory to interact with others, but keen eyes are always looking over and analyzing everything around him, not giving anyone a chance to sneak in and 'mess him up'. He doesn't bother with silly theatrics, and whenever the usage of his powers are necessary he goes in directly, attacking with controlled brutality and an odd finesse that you would expect from his appearance. He's an over-all chill guy to be around - maybe a little abrupt and cold, but as long as you don't piss him off, which is pretty easy to do, but hard to realize, then you'll be on his 'good' list. To put it in simple terms? Cold, calm, observational, and relatively passive if he respects or likes you. He's never nice. Passive, maybe. Peaceful at times. But nice? No. He would kill anyone if he was forced to, and with absolutely no concern at all. [b]Bio:[/b] Zed was originally born as an abnormally smart and intelligent babies. His medical readings were off the charts, and Mother and Father was worried about their baby boy's health. Coming out of his...mother was an odd experience. Zed was mature - as mature as a regular toddler would be, and he didn't cry once in this whole new world. Rather, he simply gave his parents a shaded look, before falling asleep. As he did so, subtle things happened around the room, even as the doctor and parents talked quietly. The syringes moved through the air on their own accord, medical equipment began sliding around, the metal trays and beds and pans began crunching together into lethal, spiky balls of metal steel, and a haze of energy seemed to have taken on the air. Zed was found inside of the abandoned hospital not even a few days later, only staring into space, the corpses of his mother, father, the doctors, and nurses all around him. Cause of deaths? Unknown. He was taken to the facility, where he was raised, taught, and isolated away from the other prisoners, locked away in a metal room, where he wouldn't cause others harm. That was, until he was allowed to roam to the classes - and when they decided to let people loose to help the city. [b]Other:[/b] Work in Progress.