[quote=Smiral] lmao, what'd Turt do this time? [/quote] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/intrinsik/Thread%20Images/Animation_Holmes_LeavingSmug.gif~original[/img] To make a long story short -- he tried to pull too much bullshit. But, hey, a little bit can be fun now and again and I [i]do[/i] understand that (and I'm generally fairly tolerant). That being said, however, I'm not one to suffer fools and I'm [i]certainly[/i] far from stupid, so to put an alt in my path so short after a ban is like attempting to slap me in the face. I won't tolerate that level of disrespect -- not even speaking as a moderator, just as a reasonably intelligent person. No way. [center]Beyond this point, we won't be referencing him or his ban anymore. Move along, nothing to see here.[/center]