Nowadays magic exists, but it is still rare. Roughly 1% of the population has magic. Magic Academy, or MA as the students call it, teaches children who posses magic. It is a large academy that teaches elementary school, middle school and high school. You are all kids who have been invited to go to MA. You will be living out your life in this academy. You can be in any grade but you just transferred in. Because your new your magic is pretty weak, but so is everyone else's (except for generals' and vice generals'). MA isn't just a school, MA has something special. It's armies. All the students are decided into groups based on their type of ability. Those groups are also armies, they are designated with a color. Each army has a general, vice general, and squad leaders. Generals are given nicknames when they become generals. War games occur when one army challenges another army. When an armies general and vice general are nocked out it loses. The winning army gets points. All wars take place over the weekend in order not to disturb studies. Students can also challenge other student to duels. When you challenge someone to a duel you agree to a time and place, if the opponent does not show up you are allowed to presume he/she has forfeit the match. If you win a duel you get points, the more points you have the higher ranking you are. From the outside MA just looks like an outrageously large school. It has six dormitories two for each grade. One for girls and one for guys. In the cafeteria there are three large screens. One shows each armies ranking, another the top fifty students, and the third has a list of recent duels. Top ranking armies and individuals get nicer rooms and free food. [hider=Character I'll be playing as] Name: Page Adams Age: 12 Appearance:[img=] Page has many scars from when her family was murdered. These scars are almost always hidden be her uniform. Page's most prominent scar is the letter ,'S' carved into her back. The scar is quite big and covers all of her back. Magic: Time Knight, can move at The speed of light Personality: Page is a crazy little girl. She loves fighting, and is really good at it. When you first meet Page you'd probably think that she's just a harmless little girl but she can harsh to people she's just met. Backstory: Page's parents were both murdered by an illusionist Mage just after she was born (she hates illusionists now). The current principle of MA took her in and trained her. Page was a quick learner, and could use magic easily when she was two. On her first birthday Page was given a MA uniform and went and learned with the rainbow army. Because she spent six years in the rainbow army before joining blue Page is in many of the photos on rainbow army's memory photo wall. In most of the photos Page is holding a [url=]Monobear[/url] plushy which she still adores today and will do anything to keep it out of harms way.As soon as Page was officially admitted into MA in first grade she started dueling everybody. This determination got her a spot as Blue army General in fourth grade. Unless you knew, you would never know how strong Page is because she hates to use her full strength outside of duels.[/hider] [hider=Army List (in no particular order):]Red- fire abilities- General: Adam "Hellfire" Jones Blue- athletic abilities- General: Page "Light runner" Adams Green-animal and nature abilities- General: Veronica "Ivy" Scarlet Pink- healing abilities- General: Lily "Life giver" Chamber Brown- earth abilities- General: Derek "Crusher" McRonald Black- water abilities- General: John "Drowner" Richard White- wind abilities- General: Andrew " Hurricane" Crow Rainbow- miscellaneous abilities- General: Yuuka "Death touch" Angel[/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters] Jack Morgrin-Rainbow Leroy-Rainbow Leo-Pink Sin-Rainbow Sophie-Blue Edwin-Red Tat- Rainbow[/hider]