Name : Azrul Lachiff Age: 25 Appearance : [hider=Azrul Lachiff][img=][/hider] Personality : Determined, Thoughtful, Protective, Relaxed, Dependable, Brave, Blunt, Dry History : Azrul was the son of a hunter whom hated magic and believed it to be witch-craft, refusing to live in a society that so openly accepts such wicked things and living isolated deep within the forests of Fiore. The nearest building to Azrul and his father's home was a small hunting lodge where the residents of the forest would gather and mingle among themselves and whatever wanderers happened to stop by during the day. One day, when Azrul's father took him to the lodge, a figure in a fur-rimmed cloak showed up, ordered a drink, and sat in the corner of the room. When Azrul's father and his hunting buddies tried to push the man into talking to them, it was discovered the man was in fact a Wizard. While the other hunters as well as his father tried to get the man out of the lodge, Azrul in his young age became entranced in the power practically looming off of the figure. Eventually the man left and as the sun set Azrul and his father returned home, and went to sleep. The next morning, Azrul awoke to the unusual sound of complete silence. Often when Azrul awoke in the morning, he was greeted by the sound of his father preparing whatever they had caught the night before to eat as breakfast. Confused, Azrul left his room and went into the kitchen only to find his father dead on the floor, his entire back burned with flame magic. Afraid and unsure what to do, Azrul ran to the hunting lodge and screamed for help. However, when the neighboring hunters learned of the state his father's corpse was in, they were all too afraid to do anything. Not sure whom else to turn to, Azrul gathered up what little things he had and ventured through the forest in an attempt to find the wizard from the night before and seek out his help. Eventually, following the path the wizard had journeyed the night before, he came across the man's camp. Explaining the situation to him, the Wizard agreed to help him and gave him his name and his magic type: Xavion Vreyan, wind-bending magic. As the two wandered the forest in search of the perpetrator, they found the wizard responsible. Unable to provide any help, Azrul watched with amazement as the two wizard's clashed: roaring flames against piercing winds. Due to the flame's natural weakness against wind, Xavion vanquished the murderer. It was then that Azrul decided to travel with Xavion and be taught the arts of the wizard (him and his father had seldom seen eye to eye on the matter of wizards in the past.) Magic : Gravity-shifting magic: A magic performed on himself, gravity-shifting magic allows the caster to alter the effect gravity has on oneself. The uses range from lowering the pull on oneself temporarily in order to jump large heights, lowering the gravity of a weapon to make it practically weightless, or increase the weight of a weapon during a down-swing to put extraordinary power into the blow. There are only a couple of abilities that effect others: - Gravity Pressure Field: Creates a large magic circle in a chosen area in front of the caster, increasing the gravitational pull in that region multiple times the normal amount. While the ability immobilizes it's opponent, it is an ability that quickly drains magic the longer it is cast. Along with this, it only effects the area chosen by the caster, making it easily escapable by fast enemies. Lastly, the ability's casting must be maintained, making the ability a huge vulnerability if fighting multiple opponents at once. [hider=Gravity Pressure Field]While it has a different name and no aura of light, it has the same effect as this ability. [img=] [/hider] - Gravity Center: An ability that must be cast in physical contact with the target, Gravity Center is a mark left by the caster on their opponent that makes them their own center of gravity, drawing any small or moderate-sized object towards it. Ways to avoid this ability include shielding themselves from it, ruining the mark on their body, or simply avoiding physical contact with their enemy. The ability also taxes a very large amount of magic from the caster. Family / Relationships : Father: As a single father, Azrul's father had the difficulty of raising his son all on his own without the aid of a Mother. Because of this, the two rarely had any bonding moments or grew all that close other than the mere fact that they were blood related holding them together. Mother: Divorced the father when the child was still an infant. Azrul knows neither her name nor her location. Other : Currently unguilded, likely going to attempt to join Fairy Tail. If done, his tattoo will end up being on the side of his neck. [b]Weapon:[/b] Buster Sword (Refer to sword in image above.): An average-looking buster sword, Azrul uses his gravity magic to sink it beneath the earth when not being used. In a fight, he will lower it's gravitational pull to bring it back to him.