Name : Yu Amagi Age: 20 Appearance : [img=] Personality : Quite energetic to points some people get annoyed by it, he is pretty smart due to having to think carefully with his magic as he cant simply overwhelm others with brute power or fancy tricks. so he has to be creative about it so he doesn't make a fool out of himself. It is rare to see him angry, and usually when he is, turns out to be very bad for the one that angered him, as his Black Petals come out on their own when he is angry. Has OCD so he likes it when things are perfect. He doesn't really care that much for battle, but he won't run away from it either. History : Both of Yu's parents were mages who both had the same magic he did, they also happened to be mages in a dark guild so they decided while Yu was young, that they would teach him their magic so he could be of use for the guild later. So at the age of ten, Yu was trained rigorously with the Petal magic day in and day out, this would continue on for six years in which he had time to learn the gray and yellow petal color, while the black one only came out with great anger, however it came to an abrupt stop when Yu was at home for a few days on end without his parents returning. Yu waited for a few more weeks and his parents never returned, he wasn't sure what happened to them. Unsure if they were killed or abandoned him, he had no other choice but to leave his home, however luckily for him, a kind lady adopted him, not wanting to leave him to wander the streets alone. The lady also happened to know magic, and decided to try and help him with his own as best she could, however her training was more polite and less exerting, she would help him out every few days or whenever he asked. Of course compared to his parents training who knew his magic bared more results than his current training, as it took him three years to learn the green petal color, yet he liked this one the most as it was the one he learned with the woman who took him in when she could have easily left him alone. While this one wasn't harmful to others, he was able to heal others, and that's why he loved it so much. One day he finally heard word of his parents fate, they were in jail for attempting to rob a bank. It wasn't until this point that Yu learned what a dark guild truly was, and he couldn't believe it. Unsure if all those years with his parents if they were training him so he could be strong and be able to control his magic, or if they were just trying to make a powerful weapon out of him. Hearing this news made Yu lose his mind and cause him to rampage around town with his black petals, until he was stopped a few minutes later by a few people from a guild called Fairy Tail. Once they were sure he was calm they gave him advice of joining Fairy tail so he could master his power, yet what really convinced him was that everyone in Fairy Tail was a family even if they weren't related. So to not be bothered by the past Yu ended up joining Fairy Tail. Magic : Colorful Petals- it's not just for looking pretty each color has different properties. For example a yellow petal is able to raise the users striking speed, or just make the user faster itself, and a green one can be used for healing. They are rather easy to blow away, as most of the petals don't hold any weight to them, and every color besides gray can be cut rather easy as Petals aren't really hard substances, every color also has its own magic consumption use, so Yu has to be careful not to go overboard right away. Currently the colors he knows are yellow, green, gray, and black. [hider= Colors Yu knows] Yellow: A petal filled with electric energy, he can place it on his feet or hands to increase his speed, and striking speed. Green: This one is simple, these petals are used to heal simple cuts, and stop bleeding temporarily it was the last color he recently learned so he is far less experienced in it, than the other colors. Gray: This type of petal is less sharp than the others, and weighs way more, it's more along the lines of brute force with a harder surface than the other peals, he can use these petals to improve his striking power, and kicking power. He can also use it to make a more sturdy wall than the other petals, as it takes more effort to get rid of them. Black: This color, only comes out when Yu is extremely angry. What it does is utilize Yu's anger to increase his destructive power, and raise his speed, but it weakens his defense by quite a bit, as Yu is in a berserk like state. He can't use the other Petal colors when he is like this. His mood also turns somewhat sadistic. [/hider] Family / Relationships : His real Mother and Father are currently in jail, Yu despises them. While Yu cares deeply for his adoptive Mother. Other : Has a strong hatred for Dark Guilds.