Matt tightened the strap in his satchel, patting it to see if there was still food inside. He felt the outline of at least one pack of pop-tarts and a bottle of water. Hopefully he would be restocking his food supply soon. The apartment complex was directly in front of him now, but, to his dismay, it was a massive building. For a moment he panicked, forgetting the address Amie had mentioned before leaving. He closed his eyes, snarling and rubbing his head, trying desperately to remember the number. It was the first building for sure, but what room? Floor 6, Room, Floor 2, Room 236. Or was it 263? At least he knew it involved those three digits. He examined the building, counting the floors. Eight total. He would have to check three of them. Matt groaned in frustration. He was getting worn out. Little rest and food, running mainly on adrenaline and avoiding all human contact. He skirted the entrance and examined the parking lot. It was almost empty and what cars were left were almost invisible from the growth. None of them looked familiar, but he had never actually met her friend. Just for good measure, he unholstered the revolver, looking over it again. An unloaded weapon, but a weapon nonetheless. It would be a hard bluff in direct light, as anyone could see that the chambers were empty, unlike a semiautomatic handgun which would have had a concealed magazine. He shrugged, spinning the gun in his hand. It was solid but light enough to manage, and a .357 Magnum lacks nothing in power. Assuming he could find ammunition for it. He still didn't know how his father acquired it, but there was no way to know now. Holding it in front of him, he moved quickly across the lot, heading for the main entrance.