Gahhhh it was sooo fun, I can't believe I was complaining so much about it! xDD LOL we had an awesome time!! Definitely bonded with the other girls during the two days, they are actually really funny. The roller coasters were amazing and we also went to Water Country USA, which is a huge water park and that was awesome. Simon bought a disposable underwater camera and we got a bunch of hilarious pictures of us in the wave pool and the lazy river and on some of the rides that he snuck the camera into haha xD The night we spent in the hotel we watched the most recent Game of Thrones episode because it turned out they were just as much in love with the show. We even made plans to go to the beach together for the Fourth of July x) I was worried for nothing. Btw, have you seen the most recent episode yet?? Omg speaking of Orange is the New Black, it comes back in two days yipppeeeee<3<3<3 :D Haha so you like to play games too?? Nice! xD I love the Sims! I haven't played it recently but I used to play it a ton! Yeah, it's cool when you're pleasantly surprised by someone's interests and it makes you look at them in a whole new way. You really can't judge people at first glance, not that I'm not totally guilty of that :/ It makes me wonder if people have ever found something out about me that made them see me in a different (preferably better lol) way. Haha, yeah they still scare me. Like, whenever I go to the beach and get in the water, I always spend the first few minutes looking around for them (and sharks) before I let myself relax lol xD And then I don't think about it x) I love swimming in the ocean though and body boarding. I want to learn how to surf!!! Wow all the way since elementary school! That's pretty cool. I feel like everyone I know now will gradually slip out of my life and I'll have a completely different set of people five years from now. That's how it goes, just naturally for me. I suck at keeping in touch with people. I think Simon and his girlfriend will be exceptions though. I want to be palling around with them all the way 'til I'm old xD It would! There are two girls in Japan that I'm sort of pen pals with - we send cards to each other every Christmas/NewYears time. They send cute stuff and write in English x) hehe~ You guys sound adorable. Friends or more, here's hoping the best will come of everything <3 I'm glad your best friend is supporting you. Hope you guys have fun this weekend! School's almost done for you right? Omg I'm almost done with your post btw. It's been a hundred million years since I last replied, I apologize >.< Real life is distracting me.