"Terrific...hey buddy? Aren't you supposed to be playing the role of Hamlet tonight?" The man covered in flour was still shaking in fear as he looked up at the two detectives. "I-I was supposed to, yeah...but then this t-thing came out of nowhere and took my costume! I tried to get it back when this creepy lady with pale skin and blind eyes shoved me in the flour! Are you...are you guys cops?" "Hm. Yeah something like that." Taking note of all this, Dennis turned to Roseia. "Well, that sounds like our next ghost. Ophelia, wasn't it?" "Yes?" A whisperery voice soft on the wind reached their ears and Dennis turned to aim his gun at the spectral being. It was the same ghost lady from the other day, this time bringing with her a gust of frigid air that sent the man in the flour into a fit of shivering. "Um, Roseia? Bullets can't stop ghosts, right?"