[center][b]Aurora - Kathar Outskirts >> Rusty Brewer[/b] She stared standing at the entrance for only a moment. Observing the different faces that were in the room. Sighing she would walk towards a free chair that was near a fire haired woman. She looked towards the woman she seemed familiar seeing her in the castle only once she could only suggest that she was the Priestess of the lands. Her head turned towards the War General it wasn't suprising that a general would be here he came to avenge the queen were all doing that right now. She focused towards the hooded man slightly cautious inside the room, feeling a little bit nervous she would sigh, gripping her scepter as she did. She stared at the hooded man. Odd it was she saw bulges of his ears telling that he was some kind of elf species. She sighed waiting for the oldman to say something..or do something. He uncovered himself and she suggested it was Lukas he seemed old and very wise, " Ello.. " she said quietly as she started to hear names of each character, returning her focus as she heard her name being called out. Lukas began to speak nodding, focused almost staring at his eyes. Knowing the dangers the obstacles that were going to soon be upon us. Finally she heard the last words of his speach, [b]"So I ask you Stay or Go...which will you choose?"[/b] She stared at the man..an odd silence came flowed for only a few seconds as she began hearing multiple voices hearing 'Yes' or something else she decided to go, " Aye... " she said faintly a wide grin appeared on her face. She was ready to battle what ever comes in her way.[/center]