As the woman took the watch from her hands, Nicole slowly brought them back to her chest. Her only response to the woman's thanks was a quick nod matched with a weak smile. Once more she began looking the woman up and down. She was bent over slightly examining her shoes carefully when she realized she was being spoken to. "I - uh - can I do something for you, or?" Nicole's head snapped up. Now that the question was brought up, Nicole realized that she didn't actually know. She took a slight step back, as if she were physically pushed back by the question. She looked down at the ground, her mind racing. What did she want from this woman? What was it that drew Nicole in? Why this woman in particular? She wasn't sure, but she knew that she felt a little bit more relaxed than normal. She knew that there was something comforting about this woman and that she didn't want to leave. The slightly more rational side of her mind recognized that this was a wild, twisted form of love. A feeling that didn't come to her often, and when it did she usually found herself regretting it. But again, Nicole recognized that she had had that thought before, and she knew that she wasn't going to do anything about it. Or, more accurately, she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. Nicole searched for a response, twiddling her thumbs and biting her lip lightly. All the questions were still running through her head, and Nicole still had no answers. She searched through everything she could remember hoping to find the reason this woman felt so familiar to her. Her hand mindlessly drifted to her pocket and gripped a small locket hidden within. She flipped it open inside the pocket, thumbing its contents. It was empty, save for an engraving of her name and her birthdate. She wasn't sure where it came from, but she'd always had it. Like the panda bear. Nicole smiled at the thought. Nicole wasn't sure what she really wanted from this woman, but she had an idea. Revitalized with confidence once more, Nicole snapped the locket closed and moved closer to the woman. She reached for her hand, taking it as a daughter would her mother. This was a decision she'd regret later, she knew, but the consequences didn't mean much to her right now. Nicole looked the woman before her firmly in the eyes. In the corner of her mind a voice whispered, [i]I hope you know what you're doing...[/i]