[img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/156/5/c/elder_by_khell_t.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Ava Zayan [b]Age:[/b] 16 --- [b]Style/Levels:[/b] Puppets - 5 | Summoning - 5 | Weaponry (Crossbow) - 2 Weapons: A small crossbow attached to each arm, hidden by her sleeves. The arrows are coated with poison. Her glass earrings contain poison as well, and smashing them releases a cloud of deadly fumes. The antidotes to all of her poisons is inside the fake diamonds of her rings. [u][b]Current Abilities:[/b][/u] [b]Puppets - Level 1[/b] [u]Etra One:[/u] Puppet Strings - Attaches invisible strands of wire to objects and people through touch. She can change the length and elasticity of the wire. The wire originates from her fingertips. [u]Etra Two:[/u] Scorpion Puppet - A metal scorpion puppet that Ava controls. It can be made quite small, making it easy to carry around, but it becomes quite large for combat purposes. Ava usually has it stuck to her back like a creepy backpack. The scorpion has many deadly weapons, most of which also involve poison but are not magic in nature. [u]Etra Three:[/u] Pyrrhic Victory - Destroying the scorpion puppet to the point that it is no longer able to function activates its fail-safe. Deadly poison gas is released, enough to fill a large hall full of people and leave no survivors. --- [b]Personality:[/b] Ava couldn't care less about you're existence. If you serve no purpose to her, then there is no reason for you to exist, and she would gladly see you dead. It's a good thing she's too lazy to go about killing everyone she wishes dead, because she honestly puts no value on any human life that isn't her own. Ava is empty on the inside, and that terrifies her. She needs something to fill her. She needs to feel something, anything. She thinks she might feel something, something small and buried deep for sure, but something nonetheless, as she watches the life leave another human being, but at the same time, that terrifies her as well. If she does nothing, she is empty, but she isn't sure she wants to fill herself with the blood of the innocent, no matter how insignificant they are in the grand scheme of things. Anger, fear, apathy, cruelty, and sadness: those are the things Ava is made of. --- [b]History:[/b] Daughter of a wealthy aristocrat, Ava could have had it all. If only she had been born whole, she would have had it all. But Ava is a broken soul, full of an irresistible hate and need to act on it. First it was a woman who made advanced on her betrothed, and then it was her betrothed when he made advances towards her. Her father came later. She'd actually had a reason for killing him though: she'd wanted his money. A foolish little girl holding that much wealth was quick to attract the vultures, and they tricked her out of every cent of her father's wealth. That was a mistake on their part. They'd seen a little girl as easy prey, but when they looked again she had become death. She got most of her money back by simply taking it from the dead. A few since have tried to cheat her, all meeting the same ends. No one ever tied any of the deaths back to her though. Her poison left no traces, and besides... she was just one little girl. --- [b]Why are you on this journey?:[/b] To find something that will make her feel, whether that be love, death, or simply a new drug she hasn't tried on herself yet. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Ava hates you and wants you to go kill yourself. --- [hider=Relationship Sheet] Celosia Alesea - Bitch needs to get over herself. Sinpher 'Sin' Randol - The creep is plotting something. Zico al'Sorna - He reminds her of her ex-betrothed, and that is not a good thing Viento Platinado - Waste of space loser is using up her valuable oxygen. Tyrell Varn - Let's see how you deal when your muscles stop obeying your brain. Jitters - What the hell are you supposed to be? Nathimys Bayias - He's a mad dog that needs to be put down. Joscelin Voclain - Is she stupid? Atalee Vayshalum - Let's see if your god will save you Freya Yates - *Stares at with apathetic curiosity.* Jythrel Arbrick - I swear if you look at me one more time... Leon Thorne - He's obnoxious yet interesting. Mayaquen - Secretive and a liar. She doesn't mind him. Azelius Dural - *raises one eyebrow* "..." *shoots with a paralysis arrow* Beatrice Fendbane - Finally, someone who knows when to shut up. Ava Zayan - ... I don't like her. [/hider] [hider= Theme][youtube]d_yLyrRa4a8[/youtube] [/hider]