In an underground pool hall is where Eli had spent that last few days. Drinking and passing the time, taking time for a few games of pool and other bar games. It didn't help that he maintained a residence there as well. That was one of his quarks some would say. Outside of combat, one of the few things he took away from the Cay was to never stay in the same place for too long. He held places all over the city. From an underground pool hall to a loft in Tribeca. He had places to live all over time, and on all walks of life. His living made from giving away electricity.Also giving away electricity like he did, made it so much easier to get whatever he needed. From a place a place to live or a couple of items off the black market. It was easy to get from where he needed or wanted. Everyone knew a guy who knew someone. Free bar tabs and food from the pool hall owner. A fancy loft in the rich part of town from a real estate guru. His body made plenty enough as it was but in this world with people like the Syndicate and DUP, it never hurt to be able to get an advantage. The Syndicate.... He didn't know what worried him more, a bunch of power stealing dumbasses with masks or Scorn. The smart money was on Scorn, that bitch was insane. He saw it first hand in the Cay and knew to keep interactions with her limited. She was more than viscous to win, and just smart enough to pull it off as well. What really worried him about her was what would happen after she got done with the Syndicate. World domination wasn't out of the question. Still it wasn't his problem just yet. He'd cross that bridge when he got there. He had much more pressing issues at the moment. For example the rum was gone and there was very pretty red head in the corner that he needed to be shot down by. Hell he might even pick before the day was out. Who knows?