Adrian followed the sound of a bell, this was one thing he seemed to have gotten used to. The food call. He stumbled around the halls until he managed his way into the dining room. He looked, now wide eyed, at all the floating silverware, this, he was not so much used to. He swallowed back a knot of nervousness, and went to take a seat, naturally sitting as far away as possible from the psychic boy, he wanted to avoid staring but, he found his eyes drifting towards him anyways. He wasn't...scared, well, perhaps he was, but he didn't think the boy would mean to do anything bad, it just seemed like it could easily go that way...He looked at what the other kid was wearing, and he looked down to his own clothing, his all white sleeping clothes, consisting of shorts, socks and a shirt, all a size or two too big. He sighed inwardly and shrunk back even farther into his seat, he wasn't hungry and was only here to keep the housekeeper from worrying... He felt uncomfortable in his seat, and didn't want to be in this room, he anted to be...perhaps anywhere else.