I sort of disagree as me and Wind has been posting. Sadly, it seems like we're the only two still alive because I've not heard from Yoshua, Cel, Slade, or even Rtron as well as a few others since this started. That doesn't help in the plotting and planning aspect of scenes or Plotlines. The bad part is, some of us are spread out a bit where we can't interact and that's something we need to fix if we want to keep this rp alive. Wind and my next collab was suppose to create an opening for Julian and Mary to become connected with Emmet and Zi through a kidnapping. Possible even Solus too. However I've not seen an IC post for either Mary, Julian, or a collab of both. Namely they are suppose to be present for it and right now, without them, it sort of stalls Wind and me. Though Rtron, Wind and I could improvise if needed. I know RL is a bitch, but a few OOC posts helps to ease and ensure interest is still here. Not to mention working around rising problems without too much conflict.