After one hack of a long night Light almost reached Level 4 and decided to send messages to his friends. He wrote''[u]Good morning Team I just got to end of my XP bar almost Level 4 so I thought we should have a meeting back in town [/u] and he send it to Umichi Suki and Haname and decided to go back to town.Light was so tired that he can collapse in any minute.He fought all night to get Level 4 and now he got it. He thought ''[i]I will not leave my family alone I WİLL GO BACK!!![/i] and started running back to town then suddenly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stumbled upon a Dire Wolf that took %25 of his health he fell down he was going to pass out for last second he thought [i]NO I WILL NOT DIE HERE[/i] He ran back and tried to use TrickShot but one of his arrows missed he used one stun attack to stun his enemy after stunning it shot two arrows to finish his fured enemy. After the fight he got back to town