Oabre eyed the cocky "little" man, calmly but sternly, in the face of his taunt. How could he hope to defeat a master such as herself with such a clouded mind? In all honesty he was doing a decent enough job negating her force push, but he'd have to do a lot better than that to overcome her. His actions certainly didn't warrant such a comment, at least in her mind, if it was ever warranted at all, especially because she wasn't yet fighting at full strength. Her feet slowly slid forward, one in front of the other, as she pushed him back to make it easier on herself to keep her attack flowing onto him as well as allowing her to exit the room so that the security doors could not lock her inside again should he change his mind about her release. Once she was outside of the room and into the long hallway she tried a different technique. She gripped onto all of the damaged droid parts by way of the force, the graveyard of slain droids he was slowly being forced (pun intended) into the center of, and then in a blink of an eye sent them all speeding his way on all sides of him. The parts were not heavy enough to be fatal even if sent crashing into him at high speeds, but at the very least it would sting, should they hit him. At best she hoped it would distract him and knock him around a bit, throwing him off guard so that her force push could do it's job of sending him flying uncontrollably backwards to crash onto the ground behind him or perhaps all the way into the far wall if he somehow managed to keep his feet the entire rest of the distance that was. Either way he'd be in trouble at that point. There was a possibility that someone of his caliber might be able to stop the droid parts and her push at the same time, but it took a master such as herself to devote herself to putting this much power into both tasks. She didn't know how he'd be able to fair doing the same thing, but it was unlikely that he could keep up with it as well as she. At least in theory that should be the case. ********** As planned the force allowed Nima to stay one step ahead of his opponent, at least for now. She saw the gun he reached for, realizing that she'd have to start dodging the first chance that she got or else she'd be in for a world of hurt. Dodge once and then attack; that was her plan. She was still in pretty close proximity so she could get in a lightsaber swing pretty soon after the dodge, unless said dodge were to force her even further away from her target. She couldn't afford that, though. She had to keep the pressure on him as much as possible. She hated dancing around just to give someone else target practice on her. As soon as her feet touched the ground she was already getting into her dodge maneuver, allowing her body to fall downward and to the right into a controlled roll. His first shot grazed her left arm as before she could get all the way out of harms way, causing her to let out a pained hiss from between her teeth and a slight spray of blood from the wound, but otherwise she was okay. She could handle much more than that! Bring it on! She didn't want to focus on the pain so rather psyched herself out to get revenge and take down this guy before he could score another hit. As she rolled she kept her lightsaber pointed out in his direction, so from his perspective she would be like a cartwheel of colorful rotating blades. This wasn't an attack, exactly, just so that she wouldn't be cleaving up the floor if she held the blades in any other way. She stopped her roll quickly as soon as her feet were beneath her in her roll, and just as quickly lunged back to the left enough to throw off his aim, which was following her where she would have been rolling to. The bullet clanged harmlessly off of the metal ground near her feet, releasing sparks. As her feet touched the ground from the brisk lunging maneuver she did one more lunge, this time straight at her him right saber jousting his way and left doing a small sweep, stretching forward to try and cleave his gun in two before he could get off another shot.