"Oh, wow, that's a lot of brothers to have." He had replied, as Light made his way to them. "Well you see, I think Haname is still in her room, same as Yumi." replying to his question about Haname. Upon seeing Light faint, Umichi looked at Light's health bar. It was in critical red. Umichi didn't notice it all this time. [i]Damn it[/i] he thought. Suki had already given him a health potion. It looked like she started to panic. "His in town, his safe now. So it's fine. Let's just take him to the inn and get a room for him." He assured her. Picking him back on his back, Umichi started to carry Light. He was a bit heavy for him. [i] Guess I need to get more points in strength, but I do want that agility. [/i] he silently sighed. He didn't let it show that Light was heavy for him though. Walking back to the inn. He had to pay another 100 col for the room for Light. He sighed out. Accidentally. Paying the fee he dropped Light on a bed in one of the rooms. "He will be fine if we let him sleep." he told Suki, with a smile to reassure her. He didn't get to go to the tanners yet, and had to pick up his Anneal Blade. It was almost 9:00. He wondered if the others were awake yet, walking out of the inn.