Pepper sighed but nodded to his words. He was trying to convince her again, but there wasn't really much to argue there. If she mentioned that she knew he was drinking it would further lead to a small bicker. "JARVIS informed me that your phone was off Mr.Stark. Anyways here are the documentation for the meeting, I advise you to go through it," she added before handing him the documents. She however froze when she heard him growl over to Happy who blinked with surprise. "Y-Yes sir," he replied having stuttered slightly as he drove a little quicker. "Relax, I've already informed that the meeting start thirty minutes after the original time. Considering how I knew you would be late... we'll get there in time."Pepper assured quietly, she was tempted to ask why he was agitated again. Perhaps he was still drunk? Surely that couldn't be the case. "Tony... has everything been alright? You seem tense," she whispered softly having used his name instead of his last. She only usually called him Tony whenever they were alone, but when they were around she addressed him formally.