"Oh hey Yumi." Umichi replied to Yumi. "What do you mean strange morning? Well besides the fact that we woke up in a game." He jested a little. "I am about to get my Anneal Blade before I get some new armor to wear. Maybe head out to train a little while waiting for Light and Haname to get up so we can discuss our plans. Wanna join us?" He asked Yumi. As they started to walk out the door, Suki started to speak. [quote=Suki] "Six brothers isn't that much, really. I think my parents were hoping for a girl, and its just...my mother had a difficult pregnancy with me, and my birth was difficult. My brothers, and my father say I look like her" She said, giving a shy, almost sad smile. She shrugged after a minute, "they protect me. So I guess you're filling in for them, my hero" She chuckled, gave him a smile. [/quote] Chuckling with her, Umichi smiled at the thought. [i]Hero, huh? I have to live up to that now[/i] he thought. With her getting embarrassed and looking into her hands, Umichi decided to play upon her words of calling him her hero. Forgetting that Yumi was there. He knelt by her side, grabbing her right hand gently. "If I am your hero, you are my princess. I shall be there to protect you." Kissing gently on her right hand, wanting to have some fun teasing her. Suddenly, remembering Yumi was there. He jumped up onto his feet. "Uh...." Umichi was speechless in front of Yumi. His face completely turned red, turning away from facing both Suki and Yumi. "Ok, off to they blacksmith!" he called out, walking hastily to the blacksmith NPC repairing the durability of his Anneal Blade. Upon entering, the blacksmith called out, "Ah!, There you are. Because of the damage dealt to the Anneal Blade, I figured you would need more durability. I have enhanced it for you as a service. However, could you do me a favor?" A quest box appeared, that did not have many details. It was titled, "Sasamaru's daughter". Umichi had a fairly good idea what this would lead to. [hider=Sasamaru's Daughter] [b][i][u]Sasamaru's Daughter[/u][/i][/b] [b]Description[/b] Upon visiting the Horunka Village there is a chance that when repairing some items, Sasamaru, the NPC blacksmith, will ask for a favor and will throw in a free enhancement, depending on what has happened to the weapon. It appears he wants help finding his daughter who is lost in the forest nearby. [b]Conditions to clear[/b] - Find Sasamaru's daughter, Hina - Defeat the Large Nepents surrounding Hina - Bring the daughter back to Sasamaru [b]Rewards[/b] - 500 exp - 1500 col - A choice of equipment. [list] [*]Iron helmet (Heavy Metal Equipment)[/*] [*]Iron chestplate (Heavy Metal Equipment)[/*] [*]Iron leggings (Heavy Metal Equipment)[/*] [*]Iron sword (Heavy Two-handed Sword)[/*] [*]Iron shield (Shield)[/*] [*]Set of 10 throwing knives (Throwable items) - Recharge time - 2 minutes[/*] [/list] [/hider]