''Ohh I am allright '' Light yelled while walking out of the inn.''I am allright I just had a little issue now I am okay but first I need to visit blacksmith'' said Light saw Yumi she was all up now the only member not here was Haname ''Good Morning Yumi'' Light was embarrassed by all means he fainted in front of all of his teammates.He did not faint because he didnt sleep last night he allready had some sleeping issues back in real world but he didn t know why he faint that was the real mystery After that she thought about Haname she reminds his brother to him she is cute and all but she can be annoying at times.but after he is his brother Light feels same feelings that he felt about his brother he felt that he needs to look after Haname until they got out of this place. Anyways he needs to focus on his objectives now