Aoba would have no problem following the order of sticking to the house. If wild things were going to attack him at random, he was surely going to stay where it was safe. Which made him also come to the realization that not all of the land was his home apparently. There were 'safe zones'. That didn't sound like a home, it sounded like a prison a little. Did that mean he had to stay home all the time? Kuro spoke about his healing methods and the angels and Aoba couldn't help but look at his hands. [I]'His methods are probably as good as it will get. Meanwhile, I should find something to fix my own injuries with before they scar. [/I] Towards the last bit, Aoba bites his lip softly. He mentally scolds himself for being so soft of heart. He watched Kuro dart away again and he sighed, looking back to the house. "You can come down. . ." If Kuro planned on attacking everything that tried to kill him, Aoba had to be nice. It would have probably gone against his nonexistent morals. Without waiting, he started to walk back inside, only to change course when he noticed the barn off to the side. [I]'Hm, how'd I miss that one. '[/I] He left Kuro to do what he wanted, already giving him permission to at least be seen. The outside of the barn looked just as old as the house, if not a little better. He stood at the large doors, pushing up the sleeves of his new shirt. "Hmm..." There was a heavy wooden plank to block the doors, so with all the strength he could manage, the angel heaved the wood out of the way. It didn't make it too far thanks to all the splinters he had received. "Ow.." Aoba began to pick them out of his hands, all the while wondering why it was there in the first place. The was a perfectly working lock on the door so there was no need for the wood. Aoba slipped inside the cracked door and looked around to see an empty barn besides a few stalls and a stack of hay off to the side. [I]'Hopefully this is one of the safe places I'm allowed to go in.[/I] There was a squeak and then the feeling of something crawl over his foot. Seeing the rat made him wail in surprise and fly into the air. "Gross... it's so filthy in here..."