[i]Hm... I don't know anything about these Large Nepents, this quest doesn't give me the details of their levels. If I decline, there is a chance something will happen to the weapon. Better not risk it. [/i] he thought, clicking the accept button. He got his Anneal Blade <<2S2Q3D>>. The durability was ridiculous, the third enhancement made it go up to 600. Suki then asked about what was happening excitedly, "Do you need help?". Umichi was happy she would help him, and the adorableness of her blush. Watching her step back and take some breaths to calm down, he turned to his allies. "I think I will need some help with this, I haven't killed any Large Nepents before, and it would be too dangerous to take on too many at once by myself. Please do help me with the quest." He requested. This was not a party quest, so only he would get the rewards. But this would help them approach how to take on newer enemies, and formations. "Oh right, but I need to go and get some leather armor for now." He said, walking to the tanners. He quickly bought some leather armor, that didn't seem to change his appearance much. He had gotten some nice stats, although it was light. He had a vest and leggings, giving a total 10 armor bonus. They costed him 250 col a piece. Leaving him with just over 900 col left. "Hey Light, mind compensating me for the room at the inn?" he asked Light, equipping his gear. He wanted to get a few extra health potions first before setting out. "So, here's the plan when we see the Large Nepents. First, I will pull aggro on ONE Large Nepent. Do not get the others. We will use that one Large Nepent to study any attack patterns, and formulate how we will deal with the other ones. Okay? I will take one clean hit from it, to get a good idea of how much damage they do. After we deal with the one Large Nepent, we will deal with the rest swiftly." Umichi had turned to the party, telling them how they will deal with the quest, indicating that they will head to the forest. "Is everyone ok with this strategy?" He asked.