Suki had already offered her help so she just nodded. Large Nepents, she thought back to the little Nepents that had fought the night before and grimaced slightly. She was sure the larger ones would be more of a pain, but she wanted to help Umichi, even if it was just supporting him. She stayed back at the blacksmith, getting her own Anneal blade enhanced slightly, getting it enhanced with 1D1S1P, grimacing at the thought of the cost, but shouldering it, before going to find Umichi at the tanners, meeting him just as he came out the tanners and started to speak about what they would do. She now had 750 col left, but she did have a good stock of health potions and a teleport crystal if things got bad. She nodded, listening to his plan. it was reasonable, and smart in surviving right now. She smiled, because Umichi seemed to easily slip into a leadership role. Which was great, it meant that she had confident in actually surviving. "Its great" She said, equipping her Anneal blade. It was slightly heavier then her other blade, but it had better stats. She started out to the forst when Umichi indicated it. She was hoping to get some good drops to sell and get her col back up, without dying, and getting more experience to hopefully get closer to leveling up again, as well as helping out Umichi. It would be nice to help him out, especially after giving her the quest item to get her blade. She made sure her hair was tied up tight, so it wouldn't fall out and over her face and maybe get her killed.