I decided to make a second character because this idea popped into my head... may or may not be inspired by Yang from RWBY [center][u][b]Jack Clementine[/b][/u] [i]Character Theme -[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHvA8nld8kk]This will be the day[/url] [Img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0826d2c2fff68c80127e41e6a2aecd56/http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w196/Damien_kitsune/animepapernetpicture-standard-video-games-ragnarok-online-sura-male-190170-toshiomoto-preview-65f834da.jpg[/img] "[i]You're my favorite punching bag...[/i]" [b]Family Name -[/b] Clementine [i][u]Given Name -[/u][/i] Jack [i][u]Gender -[/u][/i] Male [i][u]Sexuality -[/u][/i] Heterosexual [b]Age -[/b] 24 [i][u]Height -[/u][/i] 6'3" [i][u]Weight -[/u][/i] 101kg [i][u]Special Features -[/u][/i] Large, X-shaped scar over chest. A result of cruelty from his past. [b]Magic Guild -[/b] Fairy Tail [i][u]Guild Mark -[/u][/i] Located the left side of his chest. [i][u]Primary Profession -[/u][/i] Fairy Tail Mage [b]Personality -[/b] Jack's personality is explosive. He likes to get up in peoples face and has a blatant disregard for personal space which comes as a result of just how friendly he is with everyone. He loves a good throw down, but in friendly spars he is known for being quite silly and just playing around. His attitude is contagious, and most of the brawls he gets into results in he and his opponents arms swung around each other laughing hysterically. Despite his rough attitude, he's not the type to go looking for trouble. Usually trouble finds him thanks to his devil may care attitude mixed with godly charisma. He takes pride in who he is and loves to show off (especially for the ladies). He can come off as quite naive and childish sometimes with his tendency to brush off serious matters as a joke, keeping a light and cheerful demeanor even when facing peril. He's rather protective of his guild mates, looking out for them and acting like a brother to them. He even insists that the guilds younger members call him 'bro' and not doing so usually leads said guild members into incredibly painful headlocks as well as any other grapples he can think of to playfully torment them. He does his best to act like a responsible role model and can even be seen scolding guild members on occasion for acting rowdy in public. He loves his guild and offers a kind, warm welcome to anyone willing to be a part of their family; especially his younger brother Kit who he often brings to the guild hall with him to hang out and can usually be seen play fighting with. When angered, he never lets his happy demeanor drop, which can be quite frightening to the one who angered him as he calmly and happily threatens to snap their neck. [b]Magic Type -[/b] Caster/Holder [i][u]Magic -[/u][/i] Requip Magic [i][u]Description -[/i][/u] Taking advantage of his brawn, size, strength and stamina, Jack specializes in requipping different weapons that compliment the way he fights. Jack uses boxing as his main form of combat, utilizing quick and powerful jabs while being incredibly light on his feet. His fighting style is up close and personal, so he's used to taking a beating which gives him an edge in combat that makes him much more durable than others would think. Fist based weapons he can requip include; [u]Sparring Gloves[/u] - A simple, tattered pair of boxing gloves that Jack uses in spars or to warm up with. [u]Starfire Gauntlets[/u] - Chrome, gauntlets painted red and gold that cover Jack's entire fist in the shape of a cylinder. There is a ring of Lacrima engraved around the circumference of the gauntlets which Jack can channel magic power into to fire off as a magical bullet. Each gauntlet can only hold five charges inside their lacrima before he needs to reload them with Magic Power; a short process that involves smacking his fists together and gathering power for a brief moment. [u]Aegis of Protection[/u] - A single, metallic gauntlet that attaches to Jack's left forearm. A large, broad shield with a lacrima implanted in this center of it rests along this gauntlet. Jack is able to channel magic power through it to use "Golden Aegis", creating a powerful barrier of magic that can withstand a moderate amount of force. [u]Vault Breaker[/u] - two incredibly large, steampunk gauntlets that are at least three times bigger than Jack's actual fists. Vault Breaker is insanely heavy, and even despite Jack's incredibly strength and stamina he is still restricted greatly by them in combat; however this is not their primary use. Vault Breaker is the perfect tool for crushing defenses and making your own path out of places. Even though they are slow, their weight and size make them a great grappling tool if Jack can ever get in range of someone with them. Very rarely will someone be able to break free of Vault Breaker's grasp. [u]Iron Maiden[/u] - A set of mechanical gauntlets. The right gauntlet is able to fire out a grappling hook and chain which can latch onto and pull anything towards Jack, or Jack towards them if the object that it has latched onto is too heavy to be moved. The left fist has elongated, curved finger tips which are able to cuff around things that are thin enough, such as a wrist, and keep them attached to Jack. [b]Background -[/b] Living as a street rat of Magnolia had it's ups and downs for Jack. For one he didn't have to listen to anyone and could live life on his own terms. He didn't need to attend school and he could make a game out of evading the authorities who hunted him down whenever he tried to pickpocket a merchant at the bazaar. The biggest advantage to living on the streets was being able to keep his little brother away from the clutches of the horrid maidens who ran the local orphanage. The young boys parents were killed when travelling across Fiore for a business meeting by a gang of thugs. They didn't stay long at the orphanage before Jack busted he and his little brother Kit out. The woman who looked after the kids was atrocious. She used them for manual labor and fed them practically nothing. They ate better living off of the street than in that place. His only regret was that he wanted something better for Kit. He needed to get them off the streets so Kit could receive a proper education. In his desperation he participated in daily underground fights between other boys his age; brutally beating each other to a pulp in order to win some spare change. After losing to a kid three years older than him and twice his size, he was left beaten in an alleyway with his brother crying next to him when a stranger approached the boys and took them to the safety of his home. The man lived on the outskirts of Magnolia, on a large farm with all kinds of different animals. This man was named Henry, and he nursed the two boys back to health and even offered them food and a roof over their head. Growing up on the farm with Henry were some of the happiest years of Jack's life. Henry wasn't just a regular old farmer, he was a professional fighter and had represented Magnolia in combat tournaments across Fiore. Being a very aggressive boy, Henry decided that disciplining Jack and teaching him how to fight would help calm the child down as well as be a learning experience for the both of them. Kit was very interested in magic, and as Jack grew stronger and stronger he began to introduce Jack to the possibility of becoming wizards. While Jack wasn't particularly interested in most forms of magic, he took quite a liking to the idea of requip magic based on Henry's suggestion. Henry even let him keep a handful of his gauntlets. After training for many years, Jack joined Fairy Tail. Living without Kit or Henry was hard at first, but his training had given him a strange confidence that just attracted people towards him. Pretty soon he was practically family, training and fighting together with the group of ragtag wizards under the watchful eye of a caring master.[/center]