Yumi blushed a bit awkwardly as she watched Umichi's strange, romantic display of kissing Suki on the back of the hand. Feeling so awkward she couldn't hold back the soft giggle as he nearly stormed off in embarrassment. She smiled at Suki, hurrying to catch up to her side and walk along with her. As they got to the Blacksmith she hung out in the back of the room as she had nothing to do as of yet. Though as the mention of a quest arose she perked up curiously. Hearing Umichi's request she nodded eagerly. "Sounds good, Umichi! I would love to help!" She grinned excitedly. She was waiting to get her hands on a stinky Large Nepent. Yumi followed along as everyone finished getting their supplies, buying a few health crystals and that was all. Deciding that saving as much money as she could would be a good idea for now. She listened quietly as Umichi explained the plan, nodded in agreement. "I have a lot of range with my polearm. When we get into the bigger fight I can hold some back while I let one at a time funnel back and you all dispatch them. That and I have gotten pretty good with the dodging mechanics in the game so I should be pretty safe. What do you think, Umichi?" She asked, curious of his opinion. Seeing him as more the leader of the party than anyone else.