Upon hearing Yumi's suggestion, "We will see. It depends on what happens at the start. Also, don't get too cocky, play it safe, if you need help ask for it. I don't think they will aggro us straight away, they are supposed to be gathered around the NPC Hina. Although, I feel bad about not saving the NPC straight away, I feel that we need to play it safe anyway. If it seems like we need several people to take care of one at a time, then we will go with your idea, where you hold them off. But I am pretty sure we can divide it up, after taking care of the first one." And then Light asked about teaching him the sword. "Hm... I would prefer it if you stay as an archer, back line support. If you really wish to learn it, could it wait for later? I don't want the possibility that we take too much time and Hina is killed. Of course she will respawn, however, that is still a fail for the quest. Let us head out!" He started to lead the way. In the forest, there were a few Little Nepents, which were dispersed with ease. The small amount of exp he needed got him to level 6. He started to actually one hit the Little Nepents, and could slash two in one swift quick motion. His reactions were getting faster it seemed. The group found Hina. It seems she was surrounded by 5 Large Nepents. Taking out one of his throwing knives with [b]Single shot[/b], he attacked the Large Nepent furthest to the right. Attacking the middle one might grab more aggro than intended. "Stand down for now guys." he ordered. Bracing for a hit. He needed to know his safety zone, and how to organise the formation. If the damage was too high, he would take himself and Yumi up front, not letting Suki or Light take aggro. Taking a big hit, the damage wasn't as severe as he expected. It was about 1/5 of his health. The armor was doing good. The second attack came, he swiftly dodged, slicing through once, twice, a third time, as he came out to the side of the Large Nepent. It was good, he did just over 40% of it's health. [i] So, about 7 hits to kill it ... I should be able to handle two at a time and let Yumi take one and Suki and Light together take the last one, to finish it quickly. [/i] he thought. He backed off it a bit. "Ok guys, here's the plan. First we defeat this one. Then we will take the others. I am confident Yumi can take care of one no problem. Probably will take about 10 hits though, from my approximations. Suki take one, just delay it as much as possible and hit when you can, Light just keep shooting at the one Suki takes. I'll handle two of them." Umichi commanded, when suddenly, the Large Nepent started to charge passed him. [i] WHAT!?[/i] he thought. A quest box came up. [hider=<>] [b][i][u]The Sick Companion[/u][/i][/b] [b]Description[/b] Your ally has mysteriously fallen due to an unknown illness. If you do not help them, they may suffer. [b]Pre-requisites[/b] - Be in a party of 3 or more people - The people in the party have added each other to the friends list - All members have no association with orange or red marked players and are not orange or red themselves - A party member whose profession is Alchemist [b]Activation[/b] - Be partied for at least a certain duration of time (Can vary depending on the group, for example, if our group formed parties together a lot. Then maybe two minutes after forming the party it can activate) - A member is under 50% health (Excluding the alchemist) - That member is healed (Random chance of activation, will not trigger in boss fights generally) [b]Character changes[/b] - Alchemist gains a skill to craft medicine during the quest - The sick comrade gathers monster aggro. [b]Conditions to clear[/b] - All party members stay alive - Find the cure [i] Details[/i] - Defeat monsters in the area, and obtain three different monster drops that do not normally drop. (The three drops will contain the monster's name, and one of the following (Blood/Sap, Leaf/bone, Skin/Flower). Depending on the monster types in the area will determine what the drops will be. e.g. If an area has one plant monster and an animal monster, The drops could be animal blood, plant leaf and animal skin, or plant sap, animal bone and plant flower, etc.) - Alchemist must then craft the medicine using these three parts. (Always 75% success rate, and can be repeated to find the cure) [b]Rewards[/b] - 500 exp to all members - 500 col to all members [i] Special reward[/i] - Alchemist gains experience to their profession (Note: 500 is set base amount, increases depending on floor and level) [b]Failure[/b] - The sick party member will suffer from random paralysis for random durations [/hider] The whole party had a quest box appear, turning back, Umichi could see that Light had fallen. He was "The Sick Companion". The Large Nepent charged through. [i] Damn it! Now we have to deal with them aggroing the paralyzed Light[/i] his thoughts became a little chaotic. "Change of plans! Guard Light! We take on one Nepent at a time, we can't take all of them at once, or they will all start to attack Light." He called out. Running swiftly back towards Light. He threw another throwing knife with [b]Single shot[/b]. The Large Nepent became distorted for a moment. He was able to get in front of Light. "I will take the front, Suki, take the left, Yumi take the right. We focus one Nepent at a time in this way. I will hit one with a knife and they will come here, I take the front, mostly guarding, and attacking from time to time. You two just keep attacking!" He commanded, as the Large Nepent charged again. He guarded it, sliding back a bit.