Suki helped to disperse the Little Nepents, managing to avoid being hit, dodging quickly the attacks, and defending with her blade. When they found Hina, she went to help, and then Umichi said to stand down, and let him prevent any attacks getting to her or Light, but did attack as well. She kept an eye on her health. When Umichi told her to take one, she did, but felt as if she was just stabbing when needed, and then there was Light simply using his arrows. It kind of made her feel as if he didn't think she could take one by herself, but she didn't argue, taking one. She flinched as the quest box came up. She glanced to the side as Light fell, and guess he was the sick companion. She Quickly stepped in front of Light, but dodged to the side when Umichi told her to tae the left. She bit her lip, glancing about, and she began to attack the Large Nepent, using [b]Vertical Arc[/b]. She stepped back after attacking, rising her blade to defend herself as she quickly thought what she could do. She was the alchemist. Which meant she would be the one to make the medicine. So She just needed to be able to figure out what that was. She hurriedly trying to figure it out. "I need to figure this out. We need to get rid of these monsters, and any drops you get, tell me what they are. I need anything that could be used to make a potion. Anything I'm guessing from the Nepents, Sap, flower, leaf, dust, anything" She said. She had an empty health potion flash, so she could use that. She thought. She tried to appear confident as she attacked again, this time using [b]sonic leap[/b], once again pulling back after her attack finished.