he had been out of the dungeon for maybe two hours Adrian had hit level seven while he slew the monsters but had not found castella and had turned back. now walking through the field he heard yelling which was unusual so he decided to check it out. A party of four had been doing battle with a large nepent and seeing as he recognized them he was content to watch they seemed to have it handled. suddenly one of the party members dropped and that's when he noticed the battle starting to shit. he couldn't help but start to rush forward with his blade drawn rushing straight at the large nepent three of them were doing battle with from behind. sliding underneath the monster he activated the sword skill ukifune launching the monster high into the air then he pulled out his dagger and charged single shot. while the attack was charging he looked into the eyes of the one standing directly in front of him "throw a blade at it" Adrian yelled as he released single shot and launched his dagger at the nepent as it started its descent