[quote=Heyitsjiwon] So, for the beginning of our RP. Can we assume that we collected all the taxes and crops from our fiefs? Cause we don't know what vassals will have what territory, so we don't know what our starting income is. [/quote] Oh yes, it's said in the rules that your total crops and income have already been collected, so no need to worry about that. On the subject of vassals, I will PM you their details, including what land they'll get. If you've already purchased the equipment for your troops, your vassals will get a portion of them. I'd like to have handled vassals a little less messily, but work's a bitch. I'll be thinking of a clean way to integrate them if I've got time today. EDIT: Working on player vassals as we speak. Getting very interesting results. . . the dice Gods have a wicked sense of humour.