[b]NPC's/Bosses[/b] [b]Demons Basic[/b] [hider=Abyss][img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130220050205/devilmaycry/images/d/d3/Abyss.gif] Abyss are lesser demons from the deepest levels of the netherworld that manifests through blood. Since they use blood as their medium, they can materialize and liquefy at will, becoming in somewhat of a teleportation skill that allows them to dissolve in a solid surface and reappear somewhere else.[/hider] [hider=Dullahan][img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130220050426/devilmaycry/images/6/67/Dullahan.gif] It is a possessed husk of a once-perished demon knight that is nearly impervious to all attacks. The Dullahan's form of attacking includes stabbing using the rotating spikes attached onto the shield, and slashing enemies with its sword. The effectiveness of its armor prevents all forms of frontal attack; its only weakness being the red gem embedded into its spine..[/hider] [hider=The Fallen][img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120414200436/devilmaycry/images/d/db/Fallen.gif] A Fallen is so named because she fell from angelic grace for deceiving her victims. She covers herself with her beautiful wings, which act as an impenetrable shield for the face on her vulnerable abdomen, and wields a lance of light. This lance can be thrust into enemies like a spear, or thrown like a javelin. If hurled at distant enemies, it will explode shortly after striking the ground. Although The Fallen is female, her voice is notably masculine.[/hider] [hider=Mephisto & Faust][img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080215225709/devilmaycry/images/a/ac/Mephisto.jpg] The Mephisto covers itself with a cape of black mist composed of a special gas that allows it to pass through solid objects and float through the air. However, if the cape is removed, the Mephisto is revealed to simply be a red scorpion-like demon, unable to defend itself and a coward. The Mephisto is also able to extend its spear-like fingers, allowing it to impale a victim before they can react. [img=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080801212661/devilmaycry/images/a/ab/Faust%27s_Attack.png] The Faust's true body is white, somewhat larger than the Mephisto's, and possesses several tendrils around its head that give the appearance of hair; the mist that covers the Faust also takes the appearance of a fedora on its head. Like the Mephisto, they are able to extend their fingers, but can do this with more than one finger at a time, and can even detach their fingers to hover in the air and attack on their own. Faust are often accompanied by a pair of Mephistos. [/hider] [hider=Hell Lust][img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080406004622/devilmaycry/images/8/81/Kyklops.jpg] Kyklops are large, spider-like Demons. Kyklops take a form of a earth golem like spider. Despite their large size, they are very agile and are able to jump very high. They feed on dirt, compacting small rocks into larger stones that they can then spit at enemies. Larger pieces of rock are integrated into the Kyklops' exoskeleton, making it incredibly durable.[/hider] [b]Angels[/b] [hider=Affinity][img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100124034243/bayonetta/images/d/df/Affinity_2.jpg] Commonly appear in the company of various other angel types Servants of Heaven that populate the lowest of the angelic hierarchy, a Third Sphere rung known simply as Angels. Humans with deep faith often feel these angels closest to their hearts. Descending from the heavens upon their pure white wings, it is believed that the glimmering halo atop an Affinity's head lights the path for those who have lost their way. [/hider] [hider=Ardor][img=http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100124035250/bayonetta/images/0/03/Ardor.jpg] The highest ranking member of the Third Sphere, Ardor are christened with the rank of Principalities. Presiding over the protection of the masses from evil spirits, they are equipped with a shield and armor of proof. Wielding the power of Paradiso on those who encroach upon happiness, Ardor are recipients of much adoration from those seeking salvation.[/hider] [hider=Kinship][img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110116154253/bayonetta/images/d/d7/Kinship.png] Kinship, as one of the Second Sphere Powers charged with defeating evil beings, is responsible for transporting the forces of Paradiso onto the battlefield. Leading countless Angels to the front lines, catching sight of Kinship's magnificent flying appearance is analogous to many as the arrival of true happiness.[/hider] [hider=Beloved][img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100106224636/bayonetta/images/a/af/Beloved.png] Beloved is a member of the Second Sphere class Powers, ranked sixth in the angelic hierarchy. Its status is more that of a spiritual being, but it is also burdened with destroying the enemies of Paradiso. While still considered amongst the lower classes of angels, Beloved's power is of a far higher order than that of a human, and even those with strong spiritual powers are seldom afforded the chance to meet this being. Excelling in combat, Beloved are known for brilliant exploits in demonic battles.[/hider] [hider=Joy][img=http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131222105734/bayonetta/images/4/41/Joy.png] Joys are members of the Seraphim class within the angelic hierarchy's First Sphere. These beings have broken free of any physical conception of form and have become truly spiritual. Their body is as free as a flowing river, and it takes shape only on a temporary basis. Joys may take the shape of the human feminine form, but can also shapeshift, or even separate into multiple sentient forms at will.[/hider]