[hider=Appearance] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/216/c/1/Leonhart_the_pirate_by_ChiNoMiko.jpg] only not so evil looking. He usually sports a smile, one that is rarely removed from his face.[/hider] Name: Bran Lamar Age: 28 Gender: Male Allegiance: Only himself, and his crew, what he says goes. Allegiance Faction: The name of his ship, a Frigate, Is the 'Seas Howl', His ship hoists the color of the Jolly Roger, however, its little more than making a statement than he is an actual pirate. Role: Captain Personality: Bran has spent most of his life around ships since his father was a dockworker, which lead to a few less desirable habits. He loves his Rum (What pirate [i]doesn't[/i] love rum.) and is probably one of the best drinkers around. Some would call him reckless as he never backs down from a fight, though he doesn't go looking for them. He doesn't take life seriously, and for the most part isn't that strict when it comes to life aboard his ship, and neither does his crew. They're free to pretty much do what they want in down time, except drink. They are expected to either be sober while on his ship, or they'll be locked in the brig until their sober and prevented from having rum for a minimum of one week, even while docked. Otherwise, they are allowed to sing shanties, and otherwise do anything that they would consider fun, so long as it does not inhibit the over all functioning of the ship. He knows the name of every man and woman on his ship and considers them his friend, and would do anything to protect them as any good captain should, and they would do the same for him if they had too. That being said, do not mistake his laxness for a lack of training and do not mistake his crew for an easy target, if you do, you just signed your death wish. His men are smart, and trained well and often know what to do without being given an order unless its in an extreme situation. He knows when to be serious about something and when not to be. They often spar with each other if they're not sailing and he makes sure they get in at least three practice sessions each week, sometimes more depending if they're in port for awhile or not. Even on the open sea when anchored, he makes sure they're abilities are up to snuff. Afterwards, there's usually a party involving a lot of rum. Of course, there's always a lot of rum involved on his ship. Bran is generally merciful when it comes to dealings with a ships crew after he defeats them, usually giving them the option of joining his merry band of pirates or simply taking their gold and other valuables, and leaving them with just enough food and other things to survive. Lately though, the Pirate game has become...stale. It was fun when he started all those years ago, but recently he feels as though he should be looking for a career change. He's thinking about just targeting Slave Vessels now. He's slow to anger, and is friendly to most, even to his enemies. However, he absolutely loathes slavers, and will almost always kill them without any negotiation, and if he sees a slave ship, he attacks it without hesitation. He's gained quite a bit of a reputation among the Slavers that he's not someone you should mess with. They're none to happy about that, and have put quite a price on his head. Enhanced Ability: Sight and Hearing. Brans' sight and hearing have been honed to a point of being able to hear a pen drop in a crowded street, or a whisper in a tavern. His sight can tell whats happening on a deck of a ship miles away. It does wonders for staying out of them and not falling into an ambush of sorts, and since he pilots his own ship, he's a pro at steering it. Also has almost perfect accuracy with any musket or rifle. Biography: Bran was born in London to a French father and a Irish mother. He had a somewhat hard life growing up in the slums. His father was a dockworker, and his mother was hardly a mother to him at all. She drank all day and usually got in trouble with the authorities. It was unsurprising when she upped and left one day, never to return. His father didn't seem particularly upset about it though, and when asked, all he would say is that he expected her to leave years ago. He didn't understand what he meant at the time, he was too busy being angry with her for leaving. A few years passed and his father decided to return to France on the promise of a new job opportunity, at least that's what he told him. Bran, not liking being left behind or being told what to do sneaked onto the ship that his father allegedly booked passage on. Unfortunately, the new job opportunity turned out to be a privateer contract. Needless to say, the ship was destroyed and his father was killed in the process. Bran and the rest of the crew were taken captive. One by one, the captain of the pirate ship killed them for amusement, until one night Bran formed a plan of escape. By dawn of the next day, he had freed him and his crew members from the brig and had taken over the ship. The captain and any crew still loyal to said captain was marooned on an island, and Bran took the responsibility of being captain himself, and thankfully there were few arguments. From there, he renamed the ship, flew the Jolly Roger, and became a pirate. Over the years, he was a fairly successful pirate. While he didn't have an infamous reputation like some of the others, that was the way he liked it. He didn't want to be infamous, too much trouble in dealing with pirate hunters and the Law. And there was the whole 'death by hanging' thing. He likes living. Likes: People who keep their word, The sea, Rum, women, and he has a love for apples, especially the green ones. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Arrogance, Traitors, taking orders, Royal people, most fruits and vegetables, Slavers. [b]Family:[/b] Father: Deceased Mother: (Status Unknown) [b]Weapons:[/b]Two cutlass's at his side, and two flintlocks always loaded and ready to fire on a moments notice. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Seas Howl Ship: Class: Frigate, 38 Cannons, Fitted with a mortar, two forward firing chase cannons, a steel plated Ram, and four Swivel cannons. Name: Acacia [hider=Acacia] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/237/8/d/pirate_captain_by_ogilvie-d47revl.jpg] [/hider] Age: 20 Gender: Female Allegiance: Pirate Allegiance Faction: To the ship, The Seas Howl Role: First Mate Personality: Like Bran she thinks of everyone on the ship as a friend, though she doesn't show it as much, but thats where the similarities end. Unlike Bran, she's strict, stern, and is one mean lady you do not want to piss off. She makes sure the ship is running smoothly if Bran is not aboard, ashore, or otherwise unable to command the ship. While her methods may be different, the crew respects her just as much. She's serious about most things, and often doesn't take lightly to joking around. As such, she has a love hate relation with Bran. Still, she trusts him with her life, and would gladly do anything for him even if she bitches about it. She shares Bran's hate for slavers, Simply because she was almost sold as a slave herself and would not wish that treatment on any other human being. Enhanced Ability: Her talent is simply stealth, being able to move unseen even in the heat of battle. She's agile, quick, and has amazing parkour skills, often climbing to the top of the masts before a boarding occurs, to get an easier, more stealthier approach on the opponents ship to allow her to take out the captain easier, and if she can, prevent him from giving sufficient orders to promote a counter attack. Biography: Acacia never really knew her parents, only having vague memories of her mother. She lived on the streets of France from day one as far as she was concerned, and might as well have been born on them. From early in her life she learned how to handle herself, including how to fight with swords. She was a thief by trade, and unfortunately she ended up stealing from the wrong man. She stole some gold coins from a pirate who was docked, thinking it'd make her a good bit of money. Well, the pirate caught up with her and decided some punishment was in order. He was a slave merchant in the Caribbean and decided no one would miss a little homeless girl. After a few weeks aboard the ship, it came under fire from Brans ship. The slaver crew was dispatched quickly, the captain and any crew on the ship was killed, and Bran set the slaves free. Acacia though, decided to stick around with Bran instead of leaving at the first port. Bran decided he would take her in, and make a fine pirate out of her. He taught her how to sail, fire and load a gun, and how to fight like a pirate and everything else that she would need to know for a life on the sea. Likes: Bran, Rum, drinking, fighting, giving orders, being bossy. Dislikes: Bran, Taking orders, traitors, people not doing what their told, idiots. Weapons: Two sabers at her sides, four flintlocks - Two on her sides, and two in a holster on her chest, and a few throwing knives. Miscellaneous:N/A Welp, there's my two. Slaver Hunters/Pirates. I suppose you could call them that.