Sieben was rushing through the forest faster and faster using his veins to swing forward. After a couple of minutes he slowed down. Looking around him all he could see was a dense forest. ”Crap this won’t work, if i keep searching for him like this i would grow old before i find him.” He stood in place for a couple of seconds trying to figure something out. Sieben looked around looking, trying to think a way of finding the ox faster. Then he finally looked up, and above him he could see an old tree stretching high into the sky, higher than any other. “Got it” Sieben yelled and one of his veins burst towards the first branch. AS it hit it in an instant small veins burst out of the larger one and immediately wrapped them-selves around the branch and some even grew into the branch. This kind of a connection could hold the whole tree, let alone a young man. Again Sieben began pulling himself, this time upwards. In mere moments he was standing on one of the highest branches. From up here he looked around. His view stretched far, and he could see the entire forest and magnolia. “Wow, what a view.” he said to himself. For a moment he was completely overwhelmed by the view. He got back on track with his mind as a squirrel like animal came close. Sieben immediately stretched one vein towards it and catching it. “Great i even got a snack.” he said to himself. Again a loud howl could be heard, but this time much closer. Snapping the squirrel’s neck he put it on his back, and immediately veins burst from his back into the squirrel gluing it to his body. Sieben looked into the direction of the howl and saw a gigantic black ox rampaging through the forest; its direction was towards Darren. Sieben jumped from his standing point to a branch that was at about middle height of the tree. From here he saw his friend. He quickly sent a vein in the swordsman direction. But the distance was too far for Sieben and so he sucked the blood and energy of the squirrel. It was barely enough. “Hold on and trust me!” he yelled to his friend as he pulled him up on a tree. The whole deed made him dizzy and so he leaned on a near branch. The squirrel now dried up and thin dropped from his back. “In my opinion I think you could take on the ox, it’s just I didn’t want to risk it.” Sieben said explaining to Darren. He hoped that his friend wouldn’t notice his drained of magic state.