Maxi sat in a coffee shop, he was drinking his usual Three cream two sugar when a loud man came into the coffee shop "Zeke is here!". Maxi sighed and sipped his coffee, he needed to send a message to the reapers, make them think twice before they strike make tensions with conduits and humans worse. Maxi looked out the window of the coffee shop when he saw two reapers both of them were on a roof, looking down at the square. Maxi instantly got up and put some money on the table, his powers reacting to his emotions and footprints made of pure light were planted where ever he stepped. As soon and Maxi was out of the coffee shop he jumped, and suddenly appeared on the building with the reapers, they both were talking about something he didn't catch. Maxi smiled "hey fellas!" He yelled as he walked towards them "Better back off before you get hurt kid" one of them said, from his pockets arose tiny metal balls "i'm warning ya". The other one had a gun on him, "bring it cowards!" Maxi laughed as his hands started to glow and he fired a few balls of light at the guy who could control metal, they hit him in the chest sending him back a few steps "why you little!". He yelled a shower of steel balls homed in on Maxi, Maxi grunted and rolled to the right as a few steel balls flew past him [i]I can't stay in one place for too long[i] he thought as he ran towards the both of them, the one with the gun firing at Maxi. He felt one go through his hair some blood covered the top of his head. Maxi didn't stop running, in his hands formed two discs made of light, throwing them light a Frisbee they homed in on the man with the guns legs, they tripped him, then like magnets they formed, locking his legs together, his gun slid away from him, Maxi kicked it off the roof as he felt a piercing pain go threw his left shoulder, the tiny steel ball was lodged in his left shoulder. Maxi turned and threw a ball of light at the man's feet. The ball exploded sending the man into the air, giving second degree burns. Maxi jumped up and grabbed him with his right arm and let the man land safely on the ground. Maxi then threw him into the ground, throwing four light discs at him, cuffing the man "when Scorn hears about this she's gonna skin you alive!" one of them yelled. Maxi ignored them and picked them both up, Maxi ripped the bag of steel balls from the mans pocket and threw them away. He attached them to the side of the building facing the square and started his message. After about five minutes it was complete,The words "this is my city!" made entirely out of light. With two Reaper members stuck to the wall conscious. Maxi smiled and jumped from the roof he looked at it on and watched as a crowd started to gather, they took pictures and soon a news team came rolling up. Maxi just stood and watched as the news teams reported on his work of art. Maxi smiled, this was exactly the message he wanted to send.