Everything was whipping by in a blur, in reality the only think Kelvin could see at this speed was what was directly in front of him, but people in the street were moving out of the way fast enough- barely. The smoke seemed to rise over him in a dark wave as he got closer, and suddenly there was a huge wolf in his path, a guild member above it. He shouted something at Kelvin. He couldn't really hear with the wind in his ears, but he assumed it was 'slow down' or along those lines. Kelvin ground a foot into the ground in front of him, and then the other, taking almost stomping steps- to his view. To others it would look like he plowing the street with his foot, each step leaving a ten foot streak of torn up street. Even with the braking, he seemed to close in on the wolf and guildmate instantly. Coming to a stumbling halt just a foot from the snout of the wolf had just about stopped his heart. "Be more careful! Stepping in fr-" [i]"I know where the person who did this is, and I want your help to take him down."[/i] Kelvin nodded, catching his breath. "Alright, where is he?" He turned and looked around, noting the members working on the fire, and the relative lack of screaming people. When magic was being thrown around, most citizens here had the sense to stay inside. "Let's make this quick, I got a job to go on."