Thovren quickly made his way to his own home. There were none of the usual sounds of the village and that disturbed him. He slowly approached the door to his home, checking every direction with his crossbow. He hoped to find his father and mother sleeping inside. Or at least one of them inside. When he reached the door he took a deep breath, if his mother was inside she was going to be very angry with what he was about to do. His raised a foot and booted in the door, hoping that if it was a creature inside he would scare it and give him time to shoot. His heart sank when he saw nothing disturbed. Everything was exactly how they left it in the morning. He put his crossbow gently down on the kitchen table and ran to his parents room. Their bed was still made and the water jug father liked to keep on the nightstand was still full. Being moderately wealthy had its perks. Their home was of a decent size considering the village only had 50 or so people. A few smaller luxury rooms dedicated to minor things for his parents. He ran to one such room and threw open the door. His fathers personal armoury display was empty of his weapon and armour. He hadn't had the chance to put it back after the attack. HE checked on mothers book room. Hardly a library but enough to fill a couple shelfs. She could usually be found here if no where else. But again, empty. When he reached his fathers small study. Well at least that's what he called it. In reality he went there to have a glass of the brandy he kept hidden in the drawers and smoke his pipe without being seen. Two things mother didn't like him doing for his health and the smell it left on his clothes. He could just excuse it on reading or writing letters to old friends. Thovren caught him once when he was younger and his father winked and managed to bribe his son with an extra slice of mothers apple pie that night to keep quiet about it. He pushed open the pungent room and certainly enough, he was not doing either of those things. He banged a fist on the desk in frustration causing several items to jump and a letter to fall to the floor. He absentmindedly picked it up to put it back on the desk. He didn't notice the name until a few seconds afterword and he picked it up out of curiosity. It was from Regdar, Father used to talk about him favourably as one of his lieutenants in the old days. Father always said he hadn't heard word from him in years now. He habitually looked around, well his father wasn't here anyway. So how would he know? he told himself before reading the letters contents. The people mentioned in this were familiar, He couldn't put his finger on it but they sounded familiar. He was going to put it back down on the desk when an odd felling came over him. Why did this letter come just before the attack? and mention people who passed through the village just before the attack? It didn't sit right with him. He sighed and decided to risk his paren't ire and he pocketed the letter for now. Besides, Regdar was now the only person he could think of that would be able to help him. MAbye he could right back somehow? He moved the thought to the back of his mind for later and went back to the door. He picked up his crossbow and made sure it was still loaded. this time he didn't bother to move slowly or carefully through the paths. He did keep his weapon ready to fire just in case. He was going to find someone in this village. Be it a resident or some forest goblin he was going to find somebody alive dammit!