Jonah had seen Nerom roll his eyes after he had announced his arrival he didn't care to bring it up lest he say he was seeing things so he had ignored the dark elves response not caring much either way. Jonah had worked with Nerom on missions prior to this one and was aware that he was at least a century older then he was he only respected the fact that he was a damn good assassin, elder respect be damned. He made sure to keep information on important people within the city, Nerom was closer and as such didn't require spies to keep tabs on him. He knew he enjoyed killing as did Jonah enjoy it taking it almost to a sadistic level taking special requests for the targets he killed often torturing them before ending their miserable lives. Nor did Nerom show mercy to his foes, this much he gathered from working with him and needed no further information for both were in the assassins guild and didn't have target related to one another. Now Cerise was a different story he knew of her for he has had targets that were related to her line of work, maybe not as close to the Empress as she was but corrupt priests that had strayed the path have been dealt a killing blow by his hand. From what his spies had gathered from with in the palace she was pretty stuck within herself almost had an egotistical style way of seeing herself, nothing of relative importance. He kept tabs on her for the fact that she was high on the hierarchy tree and needed to make sure she didn't interfere with his line of work, Jonah shifted in his seat as a new person entered the room. He was a war generalk, a well known one at that, very close to the Empress as well. He watched the general take a seat facing the door and eyeball the window of the room oddly, he thought similar to Jonah in that standard as Jonah had already figured out ten different ways he could escape this room in a few moments. It also flew through his mind how it "Could" be done to kill all of these people in this room if it came down to. Jonah had killed soldiers that were out on the field but none that were under his command so he had never really desired to get information on him he regretted it now. Next person into the room was another Soldier one he didn't seem to know either, if he had known that people he didn't have filed into his memory he would have done so, but then everyone would have looked into other people if they knew who were coming and probably call the guards on us as well. Well if they could get any information on Nerom and Jonah that is. The last person entered this one but a child very young, she wore an odd outfit he had never seen people wear and had a staff. She was very spirited he could tell from watching her, so young and yet here with a bunch of killers well aside from the Cerise he thought. He looked down at his leather clad boots studded with metal studs, he was wondering why the Empress needed all these people. He assumed that each person here was very strong even overestimating them, better to overestimate then to underestimate people. He knew that him and Nerom were the best in their guild and that was probably why they were here, Cerise was strong in healing, and he assumed the Soldiers were strong with there own desired weapons, he didn't know much about the young child but that worried him the most her appearance was deceiving. "So I ask you, stay or go, which do you choose?" Jonah absorbed the idea of traveling with others, not an idea he enjoyed a group of people attracted a lot of attention something he was not fond of. Though everyone here now knew what he looked like and that was something he couldn't stop now unless he were to kill everyone here which would be a very, very difficult task to do. This would be the first time he has ever allowed such a thing to happen to himself. He heard Nerom speak to Cerise, being friendly to a priestess of light?! We are patrons of night, the idea made him sick he had seen many priests and priestesses let him lay in the gutter with a knife in his gut and do nothing to help him, he worried about himself now ever sense his mother died some one-hundred and twenty years ago. Cerise held her hand out to in front of Jonah to shake Neroms hand, disgusted slightly Jonah stood pushing aside Cerises hand before Nerom could react. He pulled his Bandanna up and walked to stand next to the window of the room. Jonah would take this mission for the sake that he failed the Empress today, but he refused the idea of making friends of those he could kill with out a second thought. His eyes darted about the room assessing everyone wondering if it came down to it who would be the hardest to kill, if anything he figured Nerom would be sense he used the same style of fighting he did and had superior age to all of them. He turned back the window keeping his left hand close to his dagger at his hip, Jonah pushed the window open with his right hand letting a cool brisk air into the room, he pulled out his letter from the Empress and laid it out in front of him. He pulled his glove off revealing silver scars large and small covered his hand and forearm, Jonah whispered into the night elvish for, "Come my servant.". An albino crow landed on the sill its red eyes staring at Jonah waiting to bare its package, Jonah bit suddenly down on his thumb a sudden gush of blood splattered. His thumb covered in blood he quickly pressed it down on the letter over the Empresses name, then he healed his thumb with a cream he kept in his pouch and replaced his glove on his right hand, then taking the blue ribbon he tied it to the leg of the crow and told it to take it back from where he came telling the guild he had accepted a new mission. .