[b]On the Ark’s Bridge [/b] “[url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130602163438/transformersprime/images/0/02/Ultra_Magnus_plan.png] Ultra Magnus [/url],” [url=http://images.wikia.com/transformers/images/c/c2/Wfc-ratchet-1.jpg] Ratchet [/url] practically screamed over the rest of the noise on the bridge, “Contact with the space bridge in two minutes!” Autobot engineers worked furiously at their consoles coordinating anti-boarding routines with the soldiers, supervising ship repairs, and giving damage reports to Ultra Magnus.”Sir! Deck three is still overrun with Decepticons. Ironhide and his team are trying to hold the line, but they need reinforcements immediately!” “Deck five is secure! The Lightning Strike Coalition Force has finished mopping up!” “Our boys are winning on deck one!” Ultra Magnus took in all the information that was being fed to him and began to process it. Yet, he was distracted. Optimus was still outside, and there were only two minutes left. Ultra Magnus didn’t want to consider the chance of Prime surviving that vortex outside of the ship. With that in mind, Ultra Magnus strode across the bridge towards an open console. He typed in a few commands on the holographic interface before contacting Optimus.”Optimus, this is Ultra Magnus. We’re two minutes away from that vortex. Finish Megatron off and get inside or you’re done for!” An explosion suddenly rocked the bridge.”What was that?!” Ultra Magnus boomed, turning away from the console towards the engineers and Ratchet.”Someone’s trying to break into the bridge!” One of the engineers yelled back.”Defensive pattern Delta-nine-B!” Ultra Magnus ordered, his left arm transforming into his [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Path_Blaster]Path Blaster[/url]. He flicked a switch labeled “Gambler” off, before turning the weapon towards the doorway in front of him. The engineers armed themselves with [url=http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Neutron_assault_rifle]Neutron Assault Rifles [/url] and took cover. Ratchet stumbled behind his console and equipped his Energon Battle Pistol. Only moments after everyone was in position, the door exploded open and a squad of Vehicons charged inside, lasers flying wildly.”Return fire!” Ultra Magnus ordered, ducking out of cover and taking off a Decepticon’s head with one shot. The other Autobots joined in, and a firefight started on the bridge. [b] On the top of the Ark [/b] “This ends now, [url= http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7164/6427615579_62c9f92a99_o.jpg] Megatron [/url].” [url=http://www.gameinformer.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-ImageFileViewer/CommunityServer-Blogs-Components-WeblogFiles-00-00-00-00-09/0243.optimus-robot.jpg_2D00_610x0.jpg] Optimus Prime [/url] growled, gripping the hilt of his sword with both of his massive hands. Prime brought the blade up over his head, preparing to strike the final blow on Megatron, who was incapacitated on the ground before Optimus.”This ends when I say it ends!” Megatron roars, drawing his own blade and blocking Prime’s attack, before kicking off of Optimus’s legs and rolling into a standing position.”This universe isn’t big enough for the both of us!” Optimus yells, charging Megatron.”You’re a fool if you think you can beat me, [i] data clerk. [/i] The two Cybertronians crossed blades for but a moment, before the vortex threw them both off their feet. The sound of metal being torn asunder brought Prime to his senses.”The vortex is tearing this ship apart! We must-“Optimus was interrupted by a metal fist hitting his faceplate.”You will die with me, Prime!” The pair of sentient machines were taken from the Ark and pulled into the vortex. [b]On the Ark’s Bridge [/b] “Optimus!” Ratchet cried out, watching in despair as his friend entered the vortex.”Brace yourselves!” Ultra Magnus called out over the communications system, grabbing hold of a nearby wall. Both the Ark and the Nemesis were dragged into the vortex, and a great blinding flash entered the bridge. It only lasted a nanosecond, though. When Ultra Magnus looked out of the viewport on the bridge, he found himself extremely puzzled.”Report!” He called out quickly, trying to confirm what his optics already confirmed.”The Nemesis, sir- It’s disappeared off radar.” One of the engineers forced himself to say.”I’m tracking multiple unidentified spacecraft!” A female officer called out from her station.”There’s something wrong with the navigation computer, sir. It says we’re in uncharted space.” Ultra Magnus let a gasp escape his lips.”That’s impossible. Teletraan-1 scanned the charts. I watched it happen.” Ultra Magnus opened the ship’s comm. Channel. He was greeted by a wave of panicked voices.”Calm down, all of you! Continue repairs, I’ll deal with this anomaly personally. I want our guns armed and ready. Ratchet, give me a full scan of the unidentified craft. Check the records from the Golden Age of Exploration. [url=http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/attach/3/9/6/4/7/perceptor1_1341594120.png] Perceptor[/url]! Are these ships using any sort of communications we can track?” Magnus handed out orders quickly and efficiently.”Uhm, yes, our systems are compatible with all ships present. I’ll just need to make some minor adjustments to work with such crude technology.” Perceptor answered hastily.”Good. Monitor their channels, and calibrate our translators to their language.” “This is [url=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/11/112981/1643828-jetfire.jpg]Jetfire[/url] to Ultra Magnus! Come in, Ultra Magnus!” “Go ahead, Jetfire.” “One of the Aerialbots spotted Optimus. He’s at these coordinates: 45’ 120’ 20’. I request permission to retrieve him. Have Ratchet on hand, though. He looks pretty banged up.” Ultra Magnus moved swiftly over to a viewport and looked in the direction Jetfire mentioned. Sure enough, there was someone out there.”Permission granted. [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pYa-2n4TtSY/TDZWLfdFitI/AAAAAAAAAuo/dbU_w8z3N28/s1600/arte+conceptual+1+Air+Raid+1.jpg] Air Raid[/url], take your squad and escort Jetfire. Fire only if fired upon.” “You got it, sir.” Seven Cybertronian fighter craft left the portside hangar, and moved towards Prime. When they reached him, Jetfire launched his tow cables and began pulling the bot back towards the Ark. The other Seekers took up flight patterns around Jetfire and Optimus, guns pointed towards the closest craft.”Ultra Magnus, sir. Launch tube-6 has been activated without your authorization.” One of the engineers on the bridge informed the acting captain.”Who did it?” Ultra Magnus practically growled in frustration. “[url= http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121006093812/transformersprime/images/c/cc/300px-WFCSilverbolt.jpg]Silverbolt[/url], sir.” “Get me comms with Silverbolt, now!” A moment later, Ultra Magnus had contacted Silverbolt.”Where are you going, Silverbolt?” There wasn’t a moments pause before Silverbolt answered. ”There’s a craft directly ahead of us, forty-five degrees down. It looks trashed, but scanners say there are signs of organic life on board. They need help.” Silverbolt’s jet moved quickly towards the starship, searching for the nearest airlock.”Return to the Ark immediately! They could be hostile.” Ultra Magnus said.”You don’t know that, sir. The longer we wait the less time they have to live.” Silverbolt argued.”Gah. Ironhide, scan that ship’s life support system. I want Cosmos’s interior to be modified to allow for that crew’s survival.” “Ultra Magnus, I have successfully adapted our translators. We should be able to understand them. Keep in mind, however, that translation will not be perfect, and many of our words will not appear in their langua-““I understand, Perceptor. Thank you. Ratchet, I want to send a message out. Open channel.” Ratchet’s fingers moved with surgical precision across the console.”Channels are open. The translators will send out copies of your speech in a variety of languages, three of which are attempts at translating into the languages of the locals present.” Ultra Magnus cleared his voice chip, to deter any static.”I am Ultra Magnus of Cybertron, acting captain of the Ark. We are not hostile, I repeat, we come in peace. Our scans have concluded that the majority of vessels in this area are heavily damaged, and I am willing to offer assistance. All I ask in return is updated star charts for this cluster and we’ll be on our way.” Ultra Magnus was a bit nervous as he finished and waited for a reply. He wasn't a diplomat like Optimus. But the message had to be sent. Hopefully the responses would be friendly. Hopefully being the keyword.