[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] His body was racked with pain more intense than anything he had ever felt before, then suddenly he found himself engulfed by the white flame, then nothing. A moment later, he stood where he had before the dark mass had grabbed him, though his bones were no longer broken, he could still feel the gashes deep in his back that he had suffered at the hands of the killer, and he also could feel that his nose was still broken. [b]“Thanks.”[/b] He said, as the woman turned to him, lurching backwards in surprise. Though he couldn’t see her face, he could tell that she didn’t expect to see him standing there after what she had done. She reached back, as if to summon the blinding white flame again, however, Icon dodged to the left and fired a pair of optic blasts at the woman, hitting her squarely on the black half mask. The attack didn’t seem to have much of an effect on the woman, though it did seem to take her by surprise, and in the physical state that he found himself in at the moment, he would take whatever he could get. He knew that he had to act fast, otherwise he would lose the advantage that the surprise of his reemergence had granted him. He looked up to the ceiling, and noted the rafters that hung below. He grimaced through the pain in his back, and fired several well placed optic beams. Suddenly, there was a loud crash as the rafters came down, burying the gold and black clad woman beneath them. He knew that this would only buy him a few minutes, so he turned his attention on Nightmare, yet all he saw was a massive black mass, almost like a living, breathing wall of shadow. Icon knew that he needed to press any advantage that he had, which wasn’t much. However, not being able to see the being that he was facing was problematic. However, whatever Nightmare was, he only appeared to be using the shadows as camouflage. He was a physical being, and thus Icon had another trick at his disposal. He began to concentrate, closing his eyes, he began tapping into the radar like sense that had helped him locate victims trapped under rubble, or other things that could not be scene by the naked eye. As he did so, his surroundings began to take shape within the darkness of his mind. At first the images he saw were almost ghost-like, images that one could almost claim were x-ray like, however, the images blinked in and out as he was able to survey his surroundings. Once he had gotten a bearing on his surroundings, he turned toward the wall of living shadow that stood before him, and for the first time understood the depth of his peril, particularly in his weakened state. The being that was concealed by the shadow was easily three times Icon’s size. A massive figure with multiple arms and what appeared to be a tail. Although the ghost like “image” he received from the use of his radar sense lacked any real detail, he could tell that this being was like nothing he had ever seen before. One thing was for certain, whatever this thing was, it truly had named itself appropriately. [b]“Oh my God…”[/b] Icon said as he steeled himself, preparing to face the nightmarish beast yet again.