A small smile curls Kuro's lips as Aoba bid him come down from the roof. However instead of complying right away like he wants to he lay there for a couple minutes in quiet contemplation. [i]'The Little Mouse looks a bit banged up. I know he's a medic, but I double he can get very far having been stripped. . .'[/i] Kuro glances to the side as Aoba wanders off towards the barn. The demon had made triple sure that is was covered the night before so he feels safe as he slips slowly from the roof and drops down in front of the porch steps. He casts a glance at the vanishing angel before darting inside to look for something he's sure the fallen angel must have been provided. [i]'Bathroom, bathroom, which door is the bathroom. . . Not that there are many to choose from.'[/i] His ears catch the sound of fluttering wings and a distressed cry, but a glance out the nearest window confirms no nefarious beings in the vicinity. [i]'Prolly just spooked by a squirrel or some other small rodent'[/i] he muses as he reaches the top of the stairs. [i]'I can tell he still doesn't want me around per se, but at least I don't have to find out about that sun burn thing. . .'[/i] With a little 'hah' he pushes the door to the bathroom open and wanders over to the sinks. Above the sink is a medicine cabinet with a mirror as the door. Pulling it open he smiles wide. “Bingo. . .” Snagging the fair sized first aid kit Kuro smiles as he makes his way downstairs. [i]'This will work just fine I think. If not, I'm sure my own healing won't be all that great, but I can at least bring down the bruising'[/i] Demons are not ones for pretty healing, and Kuro does not have much experience in healing at all, but after spending a life being bullied by anyone and everyone, he's pick up a few skills in the field of magical healing. [i]'All that aside, other than field testing, I have the mental equivalence of a whole slue of Ph. D from several different generations of medicine'[/i] Pulling open the kit he confirms the contents before stopping in the living room to think. [i]'He doesn't want me around. He's tolerating me because he fears for his life. Even after losing everything, he still want to live, what a will'[/i] Sidestepping over to the couch he takes a seat. [i]'He doesn't want me here, but he's willing to accept my help as long as it's to his benefit. Wow, he's going to fit is as a mortal here quicker than I thought'[/i] He lets out a sigh, setting the kit on the small coffee table. [i]'I am here to repay him, but I don't want to just serve as his protector. I. . .I want him to trust me, as he once did. . .'[/i] The realization hits him gently, not like the way most revelations hit a person. However it does leave him still for a while. Finally he lets out a long exhale through his nose and looks at the door. [i]'I'll wait here. He'll come back eventually and he can decide if he'll let me be the one doing the healing this time'[/i] Leaning back he rests against the couch, his eyes on the kit as he waits.