((Nera’s opinions, by no means, represents the opinions of Theobromine. In fact, I rather enjoyed IVIasterJay’s post and would gladly accept more opportunities for a comic moment. xDD)) Noticing Mars suddenly stick a bucket against a man’s (Lev) head, she eyed him with curiosity wondering what he was hoping to achieve with his actions. Judging from his mumbles he seemed to be ‘cooling’ the water inside but… Why? Her silent question was answered soon enough when the entire bucket was suddenly dumped over her head. She stood a bit dazed for a moment as she tried to comprehend what had just happened, but she snapped out of it when the man (Lev) Mars had cooled the water on finished speaking. “HEY!!” Soaked now from head to toe, she glared at him and stamped her foot into the ground. “I asked if we HAD a shower, not FOR one!!!” For some reason, she focused on a completely different issue at hand and threw a mini-tantrum over it. “Most people want time to take their clothes off first, geeze!!!” She waved her fists rather comically over her head as she stomped a few more times on the spot, clearly not enjoying the situation. Nera shook her head fiercely, spraying water out from her soaked hair and basically wetting anyone that was unfortunate enough to still be nearby. Remembering the repeated greeting she was given, she stuck her tongue out at the white-haired man (Mars). She looked at Kati with a smile and said, “Nice to meet you Kati~! You probably heard my name just now, but I’m Nera.” Then reaching down to gather the hem of her black dress, Nera squeezed out some of the water and told Mars, “I don’t like you, so I’m going to pretend I don’t know your name.” To reiterate her point, she stuck her tongue out at him again. At least she wasn’t on the same team as him.