The barn was fairly dusty and Aoba stayed in the air. Angel or not, rats were gross. He had heard of the filthy creatures, and many others causing...germs and other dirty things. He didn't have to worry so much about his purity, now it was more of him not wanting to catch any mortal sicknesses. The priest had said something about farm supplies and animals, so he assumed this was where he'd be placing everything. But farm supplies? What was he to do with those? Farm...what? He didn't know how to farm, or do anything of the sort... Aoba wondered if there was a book to these things.  He decided to clean up, if only a little bit. There was a broom off in the corner do he swept the area, eventually settling to his feet. It took around thirty minutes fur Aoba to sweep the entire barn. He sorted the hay into one large pile and then swept all the dirt out. He coughed a little as clouds of dust formed every once in awhile. He walked outside, flapping his wings to get most of the dirt off him. "It's going to be awhile before I get use to this." His wings folded and he looked around the open space, hurriedly moving to the house. Pushing the door open, he spotted Kuro on the couch. His first reaction was to tense up, but after a moment he relaxes and sighs. His eyes lowered to the kit and he immediately wondered where it had been.  For some reason, he moved his arms behind his back, standing there and watching Kuro. He wasn't sure what to say, but then again, he wasn't sure if he wanted to say anything at all. Aoba rubbed his arms, feeling the cuts and bruises he earned over the span of a couple of days. Finally, after foolishly standing there Aoba decided to speak. "May I see that?" He pointed to the kit, letting his sleeve fall to hide the injuries.