-Bridge of the Culling- Morray sat with his head burried in his hands, his dreams of dying on this bridge as it spiraled out of control as a burning hulk, into the Planet of the Sorcerers was all but over. "Sir, we are receiving... Something..." said the Vox controller. "It's not a Vox... But it is some form of audio communication, pressing several buttons, the audio came up over as an incomprehensible sound of scraping metal, as soon as the metal stopped, it played it back in Terran. [i]”I am Ultra Magnus of Cybertron, acting captain of the Ark. We are not hostile, I repeat, we come in peace. Our scans have concluded that the majority of vessels in this area are heavily damaged, and I am willing to offer assistance. All I ask in return is updated star charts for this cluster and we’ll be on our way.”[/i] He listened to it carefully. "The Azuriah has given his orders, send them Imperius priority vox. Ark... This is Admiral Lafrau Morray of His Holiness' Battleship, Culling of Prospero... We cannot provide any starcharts of the local area, but we are in need of assistance at this time. Any assistance you could render would be..." he swallowed hard as he was forced to play nice, when he would much prefer to simply blast these Xeno's out of the sky. "Appreciated..." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Monestary- Most of the fires had been put out as well as the last of the fighting. Lemanicus and his Techpriests were looking over the remains of the Titan. "Shhhhh..." coo'd one of the Techpriests. "Sleep, spirit, we shall heal your body as you slumber." Lemanicus, on the other hand, was working with a Dreadnought at a pair of Cranes, trying to haul it back onto its feet, as it was currently lay on its side. There was a rumble as it finally was hauled onto its feet, one of the Volcano Cannons was on the other side of the room, and the few ligaments that were keeping the head on gave way, smashing onto the ground. "BASTARDS!!! LOOK WHAT THAT MANIAC DID!" Lemanicus seethed. "That's it, we're gonnae put you back together, and you're gonna shove that Volcano Cannon up his arse." he said as he walked towards the leg of it. "I will not cease from metal fight; Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand Till we have built Holy Terra, In the Fenris' white and pleasant land." As the Dreadnought Chaplain finished, so did the Techpriests, wiping the blood off of him. Zequial walked over to the Titan and looked down at Lemanicus. "It will work again..." the Dreadnought said. "The Emperor has given you those hands to use." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Medical Bay- As the Wolf Priests ran around, administering medicine where it was needed, Kurn arrived. "We need to talk..." he said to the Terminator Wolf Priest. Moving into another room, Kurn got down on a knee and bowed to him. "Please, Father, give me guidance..."